[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjE0Mi4xNmM4ZTkuVEdGMWNtVnVJRkpwWkdkbGQyRjUuMAAA/arellion.regular.png[/img] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/MsjSacXMUUKbu/giphy.gif[/img] [i]Location: Qasr El Nil Barracks[/I][/center] [hr][hr] As Lauren continued to sit by the desk, she would occasionally look out the window she was starting to get pretty tired Lauren was about to lay her head down on the desk to just rest her eyes. Then she could hear Vera stirring in her sleep she turned around and started to make her way over towards the bed when Vera's eyes opened. She looked like she had been woken up by a nightmare of some kind, Lauren got up finding a cloth she dipped it into the pitcher of water and came back. Lauren gently dabbed the cool cloth over Vera's head when she spoke, then she went straight back to her drunken slumber. She looked at the woman with a slightly confused look wondering what she had meant by that, but then again the woman was pretty wasted by now. Lauren then went to make sure that Vera was as comfortable as possible again looking at her for a moment, she made a note to herself to not let Vera drink anytime soon. Once she had finished Lauren got up and moved over to the table and grabbed the chair she had been sitting in, Lauren carried it over to the side of the bed just to keep a closer eye on Vera if she woke up once more.