May watched in horror as she stood in the water behind Gemma. She wasn't aware that her new found friend was capable of such hands on brutality. While she was greatful, she still found herself rather alarmed especially after watching the longer haired man fight his own battle. She wasn't sure how to feel about what was going on or what to make of it. All she did know was there was a more pressing matter: Sasha. "I do!" May shouted. Quickly stepping out of the water and making her way over to Sasha, May examined the wound on his side. "Here, let me put pressure on it. I'm sorry if this hurts," May said as she knelt next to him and pressed both of her palms against his wound. It felt odd to be touching a stranger and such a way. Them being naked and him being a man didn't help, but she tried to ignore the awkwardness as best she could. "Hey, if that water looks clean, can you guys bring some over here? We need to clean this," May said to no one in particular. She could only imagine what those beasts had been walking around in and what could have infected him when they struck him. "I feel like spider webs would be hard to find in the dark. Do you guys remember where you found those berries? I imagine that the leaves of an edible fruit probably aren't poisonous." May could only think of a few exceptions from some of her cooking classes, but she hoped that the majority rule would win out here. "We could try to use them to cover the wound and then longer leaves like tall grass could be used to tie them in place."