[center][@Zahir][/center] Charles would sigh at all the questions Aviva kept throwing at him, the talking back, and the sarcastic comments. "The moment you came here your past doesn't matter anymore, it's true the past makes you who you are... but when you live for thousand of years it doesn't matter anymore" he simply tells Aviva. before continuing "They look unhappy because every time they see me, they remember the hell I place them through during training... the same hell I'm going to be putting you through" he shakes his head "Though at this rate I'm going to up the training regiment" he states evilly. Charles would take a bite of his steak "We made this world because we couldn't be free on earth.. it annoyed us and we didn't want to bother taking over the world so we just made our own" he would narrow his eyes at how Aviva wasn't eating "You will need to eat, most food here are made from the ingredients from monsters, and it's not tree or bark, it's an Apple soup" he states "The Apply just happens to come from an Elder Ent, which is a class three monster.. they are giving us their best ingredients to honor us" he tells him. "If you don't eat you are disrespecting not only me, but the people who cooked this food for us to eat, also you'll need a warm meal in your belly before your training starts" he would continue eating after he finished talking. He wouldn't speak until he finished his meal "Also yes those ears was real, she is a real Neko as some people would say on earth" he states "One of the races of people created in this world, each of us created a race of beings along with the monsters" he states "So that's Ten species of humanoids running around... Elves, Dwarves, Beastmen, you name it we probably have it" he would sit back thinking before speaking again, "You will learn the basics the hard way... through life and death struggles" he simply says "ones where I wont interfere even if your limbs are ripped from your very body".