[img]http://img13.deviantart.net/85c7/i/2012/283/2/b/storm_fleet_surrounding_forward_unto_dawn_by_lopez_the_heavy-d5hejmf.jpg[/img] [b]Planet Xaro's Awakening Galactic Coordinates 14122-18522 Omicron Sector Homeworld of the Zerg Collective[/b] The vast holomap room was 200 minas (meters) tall and 500 minas wide. From here, Overmind 0001 controlled the Collective and gave direction to what was otherwise a chaotic web of species-wide movement. The room contained numerous holographic projections that showed the status of all of Overmind 0001's units... every ship, every drone, every fighter. From here, he could see every star system he controlled in detail, along with what was in the system. From here, he could direct each of his minions to do anything he wanted in the galaxy. Overmind 001 twisted his massive lumbering body. He saw it. His attention fell on a 3 planet system near the borders of his star nation. It wasn't his... yet. The distant system's native inhabitants, a Tier 5 race, had managed to fully populate the 2nd planet. After numerous scans by his scouting probes, Overlord 0001 had designated the species as ideal slaves for conquest. He intended to enslave the creatures and make them a food species, whose forever purpose was to supply the Collective with their bodies' supple nutrients -- which were to be harvested by the collective at will. The first order of business for Overmind 0001 was to designate a task force leader to enter the system and make the Tier 5 natives bend to the Collective's will. That meant that the designated leader would nuclear bombard the 2nd planet (filled with natives) to submission, and then destroy their leadership. Once that was done, the rest was simple. A puppet government would be set up on the planet -- one that would bend to the Collective's every need. Every month, the natives would be forced to submit a portion of its population for food harvesting. Any sign of rebellion would be met with lethal force, and any attempt to create technologies that might enable the population to resist and become independent would be met with orbital bombardment -- such was the ordinary protocol when meeting a tier 5 species (for the Collective, that is). Overmind 0001 gazed at the system and its planets and laughed. The entire system would be his within a full moon! And then, the harvesting would begin. Once harvested, the sacrifices would be eaten alive! After considering which of his lower overminds would be the ideal candidate, he delegated the task to Overmind 0424. His orders were sent out to the 0424 immediately through hypertransmission -- and immediately, he saw 0424 launch its fleet, which was a meager size compared to all the other fleets within the Collective -- for its opponents were technologically behind -- but it was more than adequate for the its task. For moment, Overmind 0001 wondered what he would do if he met a species that were technologically superior than the tier 5 species he had just condemned to slavery. He knew what he would do -- no matter how technologically advanced another race he encountered was, it would be the same thing. Enslave, and if that was impossible, then exterminate. For... there could be no other species whose priorities were higher than Zerg Collective. The Collective must be the only race to dominate the galaxy and all other species must bend to its will. To think otherwise was blasphemy! And... when all other races were either enslaved or exterminated, then and only then would the Collective be satisfied. And... in order to do [i]that[/i], the Collective [i]must[/i] grow. The Collective [b]must[/b] grow.