[CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/ArtlIO1.png?1[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT][COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"Like, hashtag news flash! No one cares."[/B][/COLOR] Karlie responded as the speedster appeared, mocking her and Julien before rolling his eyes with a less than flattering imitation of Karlie's speech pattern. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"No need to be rude, Kid Flash."[/B][/COLOR] She said with a smile before turning her attention back to Nike. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"Like, definitely ignore him."[/B][/COLOR] Karlie stated as Speed Demon imparted his opinion on Nike's attire. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"I say girl, if you've got it. Flaunt it baby. On the otherhand, if I had a face like his, I'd wear a helmet over it too."[/B][/COLOR] Karlie said raising her hand to her mouth to simulate an aside. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"I mean, hashtag, bu-burn!"[/B][/COLOR] It was then the group grew by one and the collective intelligence dropped as the muscle bound jock of the team ran excited into the group like puppy let off its leash for the first time. His jaw was practically hanging out as he charged the Amazon, shoving Karlie out of the way as he introduced himself so zealously, Karlie could have swore he was going to drop to one knee and propose on the spot. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"Whoa!"[/B][/COLOR] She cried out taking a step forward and putting herself between Rev and Nike. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"Cool your jets there Rev. Don't get yourself too worked up or you'll be using up all the hand lotion tonight."[/B][/COLOR] Karlie teased as she put an arm around Nike. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"Like, hashtag boys, am I right?"[/B][/COLOR] She added turning back towards Julien. [COLOR=INDIANRED][B]"I believe food was in order? Still hashtag famished here."[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT]