Oh, good. A way out of the room was opening up. And it was still away from the Genestealers. So, Lucius began fighting his way towards it, because why shouldn't he? He had every right to not let himself die just the same as anybody else. Indeed, as he made his way round the wall, he could see Ga'duk charging ahead of him, making mincemeat of the assorted warrior-women, and even a red-armoured Space Marine whose arm was torn clean off, thrown through the crowd to forge a path for Ga'duk towards... Fuck, the door was closing. FUCK, he suddenly had a Genestealer's claws through his gut. Almost reflexively, Lucius stabbed his sword into his own body, through the alien arm that had impaled him and serendipitously into its head, pulling himself free from the- was the worm on his back still alive after all that?! Warp's sake, he was either the luckiest or unluckiest man alive. And still screaming, at that. No wonder its attention had been drawn so readily... And no wonder one of the humans, this one naked save for some robes or strips of cloth or something, now stepped into the gap Ga'duk had created, wielding a... okay, this was ridiculous. There was no way a normal human could just wield a chainsword that big unassisted. Even he'd have trouble using something like that. And it was on fire, too, thanks to the flamethrower attached to it. Why did it have a flamethrower attached to it? 'DIE, HERETIC, DIE!' the woman screamed, charging Lucius with the oversized weapon raised above her head. Heretic? Heretic to what, exactly? He could, and perhaps would, have made a good long duel out of questioning her if he felt it was appropriate, but it seemed the doorway that had opened was already threatening to close, leaving him trapped in here with the warrior-women... and the Genestealers. So, he instead stepped to one side as she swung, decapitating her with ease as she overextended herself, and then himself charged to reach the door before it was too late, sacrificing the chainsword to practically fling it into the face of another of the power armoured opponents who tried to stop him. There would probably be more scattered around elsewhere. And when he reached the doorway at last, who else but Ga'duk was trying to hold it open? 'I'm here, Ga'duk,' he muttered into the Ogryn's ear as he sidled past, 'you can get out from under there now.' He still felt a need to manipulate the Ogryn into doing what he wanted, and would rather not lose a potentially loyal minion so readily. Indeed, as he entered the rather dark-themed room, it seemed there were quite a few people who might or might not qualify for similar positions, though he kept his blade drawn just in case. There was an Ork, it seemed, which was trying to reattach one of its lost arms... and it would probably succeed, knowing Orkish biology. There was some Mechanicus member, apparently suffering from some malediction or other. Probably lost some fancy bit of technology in the other room, knowing their sort. Somebody or something lying down in the shadows of the room, and he'd examine that later in case disturbing it made it attack them. His own servant, who he now peeled off his back and placed on to the ground, leaving him to cry and piss himself into whatever stupor he wanted. And... 'Finally, somebody recognisable,' Lucius uttered to himself, recognising the livery of the Emperor's Children on the Marine standing next to the code-pad that, it seemed, handled opening and closing the immense door. Based on the sudden jolt of memory flooding through him- a rare flicker from before the Battle of Caliban, detailing a moment wherein a visitor came to Caliban briefly, hailing from the IIIrd Legion- and his own knowledge of them that came with that flicker, it was clear that the Emperor's Children remained very much in league with the Dark Angels, at least in his own time. But, well, Lucius couldn't exactly tell the man that some daemonic entity or another had stolen his memories, for how would that be seen? More importantly, how would he even identify himself as part of the Ist- Ooooooooh shit, there was the pain from his wounds. He stumbled a bit, leaning on his weapon for support. He'd probably be alright, considering his enhanced biology... only, without some medical assistance or another, he got the impression his ribcage might not heal properly, and likewise, his arm would definitely never be quite the same after this fight. Having a chunk of flesh blown off will do that to a limb. And if he'd gotten his intestines damaged... that might be a bit dangerous for him, realistically. [@Jbcool][@Klomster][@Necroes][@Wraithblade6][@Sophrus][@agentmanatee]