[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ffeBWYD.jpg[/img][/center] She remained silent, quietly watching everyone talk. She remained passive, staying at the sidelines to let everyone interact. Sangue’s reserved nature did not get in the way of her friends, and that let her watch them with nothing to distract her. She followed them quietly, her expression as idle as ever. Sangue saw Lauren’s face contort into a more serious expression for a split moment, but she did not make much of it when she quickly returned back to normal. Sangue saw Amy’s hand twitch, but found nothing too alarming about it. But when Lauren squeezed Ben’s butt, Sangue took a moment to try understanding what she just did. It seemed that Lauren was trying to find something. Blinking, Sangue stared at her own chest, then at the way Lauren checked hers and Amy’s. She glanced at Ben's behind, and then at her chest again. Perhaps something could be unknowingly stuck in her body? Without making any noise to gather attention to herself, Sangue cautiously took a peek at her breasts, softly pulling aside the bandages that covered it. When she found nothing out of the ordinary, she pulled the bandages up and lowered her hands as she indirectly glanced behind herself. Mimicking Lauren, she squeezed her butt softly. Then she remembered how tightly Lauren squeezed at Ben, so her grip tightened. She did it again just to make sure nothing clung onto her. Nothing. She did not have anything out of the ordinary on her. Sangue assumed she did not do anything stupid enough to trouble her teammates. That was good. Her expression remaining as idle as ever, she looked up and continued to trail behind her teammates quietly and obediently. [sub][@Kaithas][@Plank Sinatra][@Krayzikk][/sub]