[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/0b/bb/06/0bbb063aa0c76d8aa2990289a74a5e65.jpg[/img] [h1]Ialla Jhen[/h1] [/center] [h2]Basic Information[/h2] [indent] Tier: Moderate Powers Titles: Mistweaver (prefix, replacing forename - Mistweaver Jhen) Age: 31 Gender: Female Race: Half-demon Occupation: Mercenary Height: 5'5" Build: Athletic Skin tone: Pale Eye colour: Gray Hair: Shaved on either side, tied back in the middle, black [/indent] [h2]Details and Background Information[/h2] [indent] [h3]Ialla - Psychological Description[/h3] Ialla is an efficient, methodical fighter with little care for who or what she fights for. She is the sort of person who does things as well as she can the first time (better that than to have to try again later), but who recognises there is rarely enough time for perfect. She prefers to bait her opponent into a trap, then cut them down before they are sure what is happening. Her method of doing things also causes her to dislike people who waste time - she has a particular hate for hagglers. If they can't afford her service, she says, they don't get it. She often also has difficulty trusting people. Friends have always seemed more trouble than they're worth to her, and she's always been capable enough on her own. The best thing you'll ever get from Ialla is respect, and that's tough to earn, but easily worth it - she's always been someone you want to be on the same side of. [h3]Ialla - Brief History[/h3] Ialla Jhen's birth was a fairly normal one, for a half-demon. A chance encounter between a man and a succubus demon - little more need be said. What was abnormal was that the father was a paladin, a very distant relative of Cantor and of the same noble beliefs and steadfast honour. How it happened is unknown, some say he did not know the demon's identity, others say he was forced. Regardless of the circumstances, Ialla was the result. Ialla was lucky enough to be raised by a family who found her soon after her birth, but by twelve her identity became apparent, in the form of horns, and once again she was alone. Through stealing, she managed to survive to adulthood, but she was an outcast. The fair did not want her because she was a child of a demon. The cruel did not want her because she was a child of a saint. No one wanted her, but she clever enough to live with that. No one wanted her, so she made them need her. The lands outside Valhalla were full of creatures that hunted men, and of course, men that hunted men. People wanted people dead, people wanted people alive, people wanted things taking, it was really all the same for Ialla most of her life. With some magic inherited from her mother and swordplay from her father, she was a combatant to fear. However, it was rare that she'd pose a threat to a person unless that person had enemies: no reason to kill someone you haven't got a contract for, because someone, somewhere might've just gotten a free job out of it. People eventually learned not to stop the quiet woman with horns and strangely marked skin. She never found true acceptance, but decided she could earn in from the citizens of Valhalla if she could win the tournament and join them. [/indent] [h2]Arena Information[/h2] [indent] [h3]Weapons and Gear[/h3] [list] [*]Blood Iron Sword - Ialla's sword is made from a powerful, magical material called Blood Iron. Made through a process which involves the intended user sacrrificing some of their blood, it is specifically attuned to one person. Ialla's sword will grow thorns around the handle when someone else tries to use it. When she uses it, she can hear the blood of those around her, making it almost impossible to hide. [*]Leather Armour - Just that: normal leather armour. About as much protection as is possible without hindering movement on some level. [*]Attuned Tattoos - These are designed to allow Ialla to control her magical abilities instead of them just occuring spontaneously. They have no effect of their own, but they make Ialla's natural abilities much more useful. When in use, they glow a faint, murky red. [/list] [h3]Skills and Special Abilities[/h3] [list] [*]Mistweaver - Ialla's signature spell is to create a thick cloud of mist that obscures vision, and dampens the local atmosphere enough to put out small flames (a candle but not a torch). Combining this with the blood-hearing from her sword creates a predator-prey situation that takes even seasoned warriors by surprise (often more so than novices), much to Ialla's amusement. [*]Abnormal Gravity - Ialla can slightly adjust the way gravity works to suit her. This is only for herself, she cannot directly affect others with this. She can use use it to jump abnormally high, stop and change direction in mid-air, and breal falls. [*]Sudden Step - Ialla can suddenly move a few steps in any direction, leaving a small cloud of mist where she left. This is irrelevant of any obstacles, but she cannot finish inside one and any objects she is holding or people touching are brought with her. Her favourite use of this spell is to run directly towards a melee combatant, then use it to cover the last spell so they engage her too slowly. [/list] [/indent] [h2]Writing Example[/h2] [indent] Ialla stepped forward to the edge of the rooftop, peered down at the narrow road below her. A loan, cloaked man walked hurriedly through the night's cold air. His cloak had no hood, and with the moonlight Ialla could see his face well enough to match it with the description she'd been given. He was her mark. He was alone. It all seemed too easy, but apparently this man was a capable sorcerer. She'd need to be on her guard. Seeing no reason to waste any more time, Ialla got down to business and street level, warping gravity to soften her fall. Apparently he'd had some kind of divination spell going, because he immediately turned around with glowing hands ready. With almost robotic initiative, Ialla drew in the mist around them to veil them both. A sorcerer, of course, would be able to deal with this quickly, but Ialla was quicker. The mist was gone, blown away by a magical wind, but in the next instant so was the sorcerer's right hand with a calculated slice of Ialla's sword. He staggered back in pain, and Ialla moved in to finish him off, but for once she was too slow, because her mark had cast an invisibility spell. Easily dealt with, of course. She held her sword at arm's length, shoulder height, turning on the spot. Soon, she heard a rapid thud-thud coming seemingly from nowhere. She stopped turning, smiled, and lunged forwards. Her mark's body materialised and fell to the ground. [/indent]