[@NightmareInd] [hider=Anime/Manga Stuff] Probably.. according to the manga She can use it on her Clothes but not herself, so she can make it easier for her to move around but she can't simply float herself, and she still has to touch what ever she wants to use it on with at lest the tips of her fingers and thumb, now she does improve the quirk somewhat during their special training sections but still can't make herself float like she can others, at lest I don't think so. It especially says it during the Festival arc for certain that she can't make herself float. Also re-read the entire festival arc and shouto never said what the anime has him say. so the anime is changing some things which is kind of agitating lol, but it's still nice to watch instead of read. [/hider] We got a total of 8 people, not counting me, who is applying.. .very nice lol, I also changed stuff on my own character's quirk to try make him a lot better balanced, as well as it's name.. since that guy from the Festival's quirk is actually called Copy Cat.