If Orbitum didn't crash I likely would have joined that instead of making my own space RP. Also speaking of taking to the stars, there's a FTL system [url=http://aquarius.wikia.com/wiki/Miniature_Space]described here[/url] that I intend to use. I am open to discussion of the hyperspace in this RP that I felt would work well here given the interstellar clouds marking where stuff like gravitational tides or Boltzmann entities are more likely. Basically the darker the background the more likely you are to deal with Boltzmann entities, but move faster while in denser areas your FTL move slower and you may run into gravitational anomalies. Make of that what you will of that one evil looking region. There's a good chance i'll revise the map's clouds since they're too weird of shape in some areas or perhaps redo the map entirely but do the clouds before the stars.