[@Western Robot] Mako put her fingertips to her mouth and chuckled. Even she wasn't as open and honest about her perverse entertainment from watching students bury their own graves, as Dr. Maxwell was about putting his Channelling research over the students' well-being. "I'm all for ignoring the moral and responsible standpoints that we teachers are supposed to have in favour of our own suspect agendas. Trust me, I'm with you. But when they're about to kill each other, that's when the fun stops, and that's when it's time to break it up. Speaking of suspect agendas, I'm going to get more enjoyment out of this than I should..." Mako then placed her hand on the corner of the chair where Shin was sitting, and leaned in. She opened her eyes, and her smile became a toothed grin and with that gesture, started to use her power. She suddenly felt like she was taking up twice as much of the small room as she actually was, and those teeth were still looking like teeth, but they were starting to [i]feel[/i] like fangs. "[i]You should really stop coming in to rooms you're not permitted to be in. I won't stop you, but I might be inclined to tell somebody who will~[/i]"