[quote=@Blood Echoes] It would probably make most logical sense if he was just an unusually helpful librarian, always there to guide them in the right direction, but without telling them any more than they needed to know. [/quote] This is, pretty much, how I'm thinking it should be played out right now. And throughout the game he has to enlist their help, because while Emelia may not care that he's a Watcher and there's this ancient line and he should be [i]her[/i] Watcher, she will care very much there are already kids fighting and bleeding for this cause already, without her. This thing that has become intensely personal to her, so it'll shock her to find this group already fighting this fight, and the way I see it right now she feels a stronger attachment to them than to the Librarian Watcher dude. So he figures out the best way to help her, is by helping them. Be interesting to figure out smaller ways he's already helped out each member of the gang, outside Emy. But all that to say; yeah, that's kinda where I'm leaning with it right now.