[center][img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tWXZNjtunvc/UW4l_DbpLxI/AAAAAAAAIK4/KT4lxe3v68M/s1600/Obi-Wan+Kenobi+and+Satin+3.jpg[/img][/center] Hello do you all - as stated in the title, I am looking forward to doing a Star Wars roleplay. Namely focusing on the pairing of - [b]Obi-Wan x Satine[/b]. Keep in mind this is an AU - so changes are liable to be included. I have certain requirements, that aren't much but what I would wish: [list] [*] Willing to play canon. Namely Obi-Wan - but other characters in the series that might come up; temporarily of course. [*] Understanding of the lore of the Star Wars franchise. Or Star Wars the Clone Wars. [*] This will be mature so 18+. [*] Willing to reply twice or more weekly. If going missing, give me a heads-up...please =3. [/list] If these things interested you, plus a wish for some Droids and Jedi and Jetpacks. Then give me a PM. [img]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/615/744/026.gif[/img]