[@Dblade26] Just being able to land pinpoint strikes on the actually very vulnerable spots in the human body such as the liver, the nose, the temples, the floating ribs, the solar plexus etc is pretty damn good, considering that kind of precision does not come easy at all in an actual engagement. Just being able to jab someone on the eyesocket rather than the general face area is a good skill to have. [@Azereiah] I can't tell anyone not to do them, but like Dblade I think they're a copout. It's like, instead of doing any martial arts and working that choreography and whatnot you're just kinda dealing in a no-effort vaguely combative tag. Which is funny because their whole selling point in real life is the idea of no-effort badassery. Anyway, I love Fist of the North Star but the actually memorable fights as such are the ones where the author decided that it didn't have to end within the first contact. Style and genre are fine and all but as a matter of style, I find them pretty boring personally.