[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qn8PdMz.png[/img] [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/821c/f/2015/080/4/5/web_material___rose_line_by_baronpluto-d8miru8.png[/img][/center] A few tense moments passed before Soma relaxed once again, realizing his subdued aggression was misplaced as Teodora expressed her feelings on live feeding. Something the bartender could empathize with. [color=0072bc]"I'm sorry...I'm..."[/color] Soma hung the blood stained rag behind the bar and relaxed against the counter's edge, coming down to eye level with Teodora. A somber look subtly bled through in the green glint of his eyes as he looked at her, letting his chin rest against his fist.[color=0072bc] "...I'm not quite used to this yet...even after almost six years now."[/color] He chuckled a bit, letting a faint smile return to his visage. [color=0072bc]"Give me another hundred and maybe I won't mind." [/color] Music kicked up as another scantily clad performer took to the show stage. Letting out a brief sigh, Soma drew back, pulling a pack of menthols from his vest pocket.[color=0072bc] "I need a smoke. It's been a busy night."[/color] Stepping out from behind the counter, Soma signaled to one of the waitresses with a small gesture of his hand before grabbing his black pinstripe coat off the end of the bar. With his jacket folded over one arm, Soma approached Teodora through the shuffling bodies and leaned in close to her ear, speaking softly, but loud enough to be heard through the dull roar of the crowd and blare of music. [color=0072bc]"Care to join me?"[/color] [center][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/821c/f/2015/080/4/5/web_material___rose_line_by_baronpluto-d8miru8.png[/img] [@canaryrose][/center]