Germany weathered the storm with a smile. There was truth in what he said about daddy issues, and she was willing to recognize it. But when you spawn from the death of thousands of Frenchmen and spend your youth raised by someone as fucked up as Prussia, violent screaming is something you got used to. Right now Britain reminded her so much of her daddy. She remained silent for a moment but still dared to reply. "Or what?" ... There was a point in these simple words. Britain, as much as he wanted, couldn't do a thing alone, even with his colonies all he could touch were in his own words, miserable South-West African colonies. In continental affairs, Britain needed an ally willing to strike first. Oh how Germany just wanted to throw her head back and laugh! But that would be stepping down to Britain's level... well, his current level. Words were cheap, to waste them was wasting a free chance to better your situation. Britain should know that, he knew that before, when he back-stabbed everyone he possibly could to advance himself in any possible way. "I'm sorry! Cultural differences and like you say in the most horrible way, my dad wasn't one to knock before entering, but... come on, Britain, I know we aren't in the best of terms but are you going to ditch me for France? After what he did to us?! Or... Russia?! I mean for the love of... Japan, how can you stand in the same room as the guy?! And Britain, what would our grand mother say if she saw us uh? Queen Victoria?" Indeed, Britain's royalty as as German as Germany's was British, witch was quite a lot. "What would your ancestors say about you defending a country where people speak french?! They'd laugh at you Britain, they'd..." Germany dropped the act when she could see it did nothing but make Britain seethe silently, her sympathetic mannerism stopping but her smile remaining. He could see through her, she could tell. But hey, nothing lost. Sweet talking, promising things you don't even mean, Britain had written the book and Germany kept it close to her heart. "I'll take my leave then... I guess I'll see you at the 'Colonial Scrapping Convention' Japan, not a whole lot of places left in the world for those who started the whole colonial race later down the line. And you America..." She stopped for a moment while looking at the eagle. Finally, she just had a laugh while shaking her head. "And they say I have daddy issues!" Ooooh yes, this was only the start Britain. Germany left in silence, confident she was the one who won the most today, despite how disastrous that had been.