[center][h3][color=f7941d][b][u]Resources:[/u][/b][/color][/h3][/center] ?Berry Trees 5x Pantherian Lizard Hides 4x Pantherian Lizard Corpses ?Fish from lake ?Fresh Water From Streams 1x Stone Knife 1x Fire Pit [center][h1][color=f7941d][b][u]ALMIGHTY NARRATOR [/u][/b][/color][/h1][/center] Sasha fell victim to a high fever and could not be moved keeping the group locked in place. Having no way to move him and keep him warmed to help him in his struggle against the debilitation of both fever and blood loss the group resorted to building a moderate shelter near the lake. There were moderate size stones around the lake and in the streams, some well enough shaped to act as stone axe heads while their blades lasted. Thin trees were cut down and using these makeshift axes and used to build a satisfactory shelter. Taking advantage of the structures of one cliff the tree logs were stacked around an indentation that provided enough room for three individuals to stand comfortably or enough space for everyone to rest within. The total time spent on the shelter was no more than two days, most of the daily labor was spent on gathering and sorting the logs into position. For the moment food and water were in abundance within the wilds of the forest. Only once did the Pantherian Lizards return, by this time Horace had fashion wooden spears and the feline lizards were repelled, none of them were killed on either side. The skins were fashioned into loincloths for the men, one of the skins was wasted in the attempt to learn how to cure and treat leather. An acceptable and very basic method was discovered and used on the rest of the hides, though the leather had a lingering smell and was not as soft or as comfortable as would be if done with skilled hands these hide derived clothes would have to do. The process to do this was simple, they used sandy water and rough rocks to wash away the fat and other excesses on the hides then sun dried them before wearing them as skirts. Thin leather straps were cut and used to crudely sew the hides into a sort of hide skirt. Another Thin strap was used as a sort of belt. Unfortunately the straps would last no more than a week before drying, wearing out, and snapping, but for the moment they would serve their purpose. The women did not have enough hide left over to cover their breasts, Sasha's own loincloth would have to wait for another kill. Due to the fact that the beasts were half feline and half lizard only part of the hide could be properly used with what skill they possessed, the rest was waste. The group had more free time to do other activities such as exploration and gathering once the shelter was finished. Sasha required only momentary check ins to keep him alive and going. His body was both sturdy and strong and would out live his wounds. [center][h3][color=f7941d][b][u]Optional Missions:[/u][/b][/color][/h3][/center] -Discovering a method to keep the loincloths functional. -Developing better weapons and gear.(Every Day items can be very useful when you have nothing) -Begin turning the area around the shelter into a permanent settlement(nomadic venturing is an option as well). -Developing relationships. (this can be anything defined as a form of bond relation to one another) [center][h3][color=f7941d][b][u]Description:[/u][/b][/color][/h3][/center] Time limit of two weeks. [center][h3][color=f7941d][b][u]EVENT:[/u][/b][/color][/h3][/center] [color=f7941d][b][u]SASHA REGAINS HIS STRENGTH[/u][/b][/color] - After two weeks time Sasha is mobile again, fully able to move around though his strength is reduced to a quarter of maximum. Able to perform minor tasks that cause minimal strain. Able to venture, but cannot climb above a limber walking speed, jogging will cause damage to his wounds. Debilitation: 2 weeks more.