[centre][b][h1][color=f7976a]Penny[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] [hr][hr] [@Lunarlors34] [hr][hr] There were many things that Penny considered cowardly reasons for not wanting to return to the guild, yet home and family pulled at her, and she knew that she couldn't push her responsibilities aside forever. She had learned about as much as she could, and that would have to do for now. Landing in Magnolia, in much the same way that she had previous, Penny moved through the city with general ease, perhaps the look on her face, or maybe her demeanor itself, kept people away from her. She wasn't too sure if that was a good thing or not. Right then however, Penny didn't care. She reached the guild hall, looking up at it. No longer two story, the guild hall had expanded, so that it now had a third story, more rooms for members, the training area behind now held magically created training dummies, large training fields, and equipment, and you certainly couldn't mistake it for anything other then a magic guild hall, the logo of Phoenix Wing plastered across the face of the building, and lacrima's were embedded into the building itself, which held many defenses that Penny didn't even want to know about. She smiled, and let out a slow breath, relieved to be home. She entered the guild hall, not even concerned truly at the commotion-it just seemed like a normal day in the guild, she looked about, seeing her sister, who looked to be immersed in her own things, so Penny did not bother her for the time being, yet her gaze did land on Jasmine, and she hesitated. She hadn't seen much of the girl in the last two months, after everything, that seemed like something she shouldn't have neglected. She approached her, [color=f7976a]"Hello, Jasmine"[/color] [hr][hr] [centre][b][h1][color=8dc73f]Gabriel[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] [hr][hr] Gabriel entered the Frenzy plant guild hall. Over the last two months, a change had taken over the young man, his green hair, while still shaggy, had some semblance of order to it, yet Gabriel seemed to hold himself with a slightly different demeanor, a little bit more confident and sure of himself, he wore a sword at his right hip, so he could pull it out with his left hand across his body, yet he was by no means truly skilled, it was something he was working on, and the training had helped to shape him, although he wasn't muscular, he seemed to have lost the thin, wiry appearance that had so plagued him, filling out just enough to actually appear, well, present. By his side, was Dog, whom he had renamed Fang, perhaps a childish name, yet it had been the only one the spirit would agree to. His keys hung from a ring, looped through his belt, one gold key, two jeweled keys, and two silver keys, all within easy reach. Once satisfied that Gabriel was safe, Fang disappeared, to be replaced with Leo. The zodiac spirit chortled, leaning against a wall, [color=a36209]"Ah, Gab, you almost screwed that job up, at least you realised your mistake"[/color] Gabriel sighed, and didn't respond, reaching up to run a hand through his hair. [hr][hr] [centre][b][h1][color=f26522]Master Jamie[/color][/h1][/b][/centre] [hr][hr] [@Joshua Tamashii] [hr][hr] Jamie looked over as Samantha entered with Amelia, smiling at both of them. [color=f26522]"You aren't in trouble, Amelia"[/color] Jamie said, a little amused, [color=ed1c24]"I was just wanted to make sure that everything was alright, but I was also thinking. It might be time to do something special"[/color] She said, perhaps a little mysteriously, grinning.