With enough people I can set up an OOC and some character sheet stuff and really start the discussion. I think that the setting confronts some of the underlying issues in our politics nicely, though the current situation feels closer to the setting now that we have a lively debate, in some places anyway, over immigration enforcement and a more casual attitude toward civil rights in the Department of Justice. Beyond that, I'd be curious to see what people think makes sense for the setting location and what feels right. I mean, we can go urban or we can go more suburban in this. One of my thoughts for that was that having watched Buffy recently, the third season involves the mayor heading up a huge a conspiracy, but then when we look at Daredevil, we see the local government somewhat subverted in the process of contracting, bidding and cooperating with a criminal conspiracy, backed by a supernatural doomsday organization/corporation. With all due respect to Joss Whedon, I think I want to find a way to thread the needle on factionalism even in local politics to feed it into this. (to be fair to Whedon fans, he made the Initiative seem sort of incompetent in the long run, due to dysfunction and conflicting agendas.) One of my great impressions of Watergate and other political conspiracies involves seeing how it's kind of riddled with errors. Even CIA operations like the Bay of Pigs involves a lot of messy loose ends, unreliable characters and things going wrong. It's one of the reasons why I like to steer away from well-oiled supernatural shadow governments running the world as three dimensional chess players. I also want to dig in the skulls of the players for this on how they feel about these themes and what they might take from that. I want to make sure we're collaborating and working off each other here.