[center][color=00CED1][h3]The Iceborn[/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [b]H) Expand Military[/b] Dag walked through Dagshall and witnessed the work being done. More boats were already being built in the new shipyard, and in time the palisade would be complete even though the work was slow for now. The question then became what they should do next. Dag hadn't had to think hard about that question before just now, but in truth there weren't so many pressing things to do. After all their hard work since arriving on this new land, Dagshall had just about everything that it needed. But then the high chieftain found himself near the shrines to Kjorn and Father Frost and realized what it was that they were missing. Right now the Iceborn stood on their own for all that Dag knew; he couldn't claim to know the machinations of gods, but they hadn't appeared to the tribe or sent them any signs, after all. The Iceborn needed the gods, so that would have to change. Father Frost was of the aloof and mysterious sort that was wont to come to you rather than the other way around, but Kjorn - ah, there were ways to get the war god's attention. One such way was for a man to tread alone into the wilds and fell a mighty bear. More often than not, they could then wear the beast's hide to become bear-skins, or [i]berserkers[/i], and then Kjorn would see their might and bless them with great strength and his favor. Indeed, the Iceborn had no great champion and Kjorn had no berserker, so perhaps it was time that Dag called for a hunt. He proclaimed that the tribe would need a berserker and all the young men knew what that meant. For every one that was eager for the chance, here were another three that were either indifferent or outright afraid at the prospect of being chosen to run into a forest and hunt a bear on their own. But Dag already had a chosen man in mind: his own son, Sigdar. Sigdar was brave and strong; Dag thought that the boy had as good a chance as any, and if he was triumphant then it would bring glory upon Dag too. so Sigdar was taken by boat upriver to the logging camp, and then with no supplies and nothing save a spear and hunting knife, he entered the deeper forest in search of a bear. [hider=Iceborn] -The Iceborn are building more boats -Work on the palisade continues -Dag sends his son out into the woods to kill a bear, become a berserker, and earn Kjorn's favor. -Yngvar and his crew still haven't got back yet. -Daddy Frost is still silent [/hider]