He simply watched her come up to a standing in the water, and rant on about him with her opinions. He shook his head, laughing, and once again, the voice came into her mind.[s]That water is cleaner than any iceberg in the most artic regions of your world, this I promise you.[/s] He stood, and casually made his way down to the water's edge. He pointed to the ground beside him, keeping his eyes locked on her, and waited for her to come to stand beside him. He knew the water would help get some of the vomit off of her for the time being. He turned his head, looking to the right, seeing a few figures in the distance approaching. He tapped his foot, not really wanting to deal with the public of the city for the time being. [s]Come on, human. I have no time to waste.[/s] There was a ripping sound, and his flesh erupted on his back, so that his large wings unfolded out once more. He turned back to look at her, momentarily wishing that the water was not covering right past her breasts, and also wishing that she had not lost the contents of her stomach, but maybe that was just how human women reacted when in deep panic? He was not sure. He sighed, his wings expanding to about half of their full width, and left his hand and finger still pointing to the spot beside him. [s]Please do not make me snatch you up again, human. I am not an asshole, and you should not speak to your elders in such a fashion. I really am in a hurry, unless you want to become a spectacle for the public, being the first human woman here. At thus point, if the oncoming citizens are men, they may want me to make a public spectacle of your kind, and have you in front of them, or let them have you. I really had not intended to publicly disgrace you, or share you for that matter. If it women, they may want me to string you up by your ankles, letting them molest you and then rip you to pieces out of their jealousy, and hoping to show how far their envy to be around me would take them, action wise. I also do not want you dead, I think. So please, hurry up.[/s]