[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#4dffa6]Dorothy Pender[/color][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/57c24aa222de53ecaf31b0fa3681f749/tumblr_ojcg3uVhes1w20ye2o1_r3_400.gif[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Medical Bay[/center][hr][hr]Seeing the slight smile on Daphne's face was a relief, to say the least. There were moments when Dorothy was not quite certain as to how to reach out to her sister, how to communicate with her, how to apologize to her, and how to forgive herself above all else for abandoning Daphne. She chuckled slightly, seeing that despite the deaths of that day, Daphne seemed to be functioning--even insulting and teasing the Alliance pilot, Harper. As Harper entered the medical bay unannounced, Dorothy felt a small pinprick of irritation. After the events earlier that day, with [i]far[/i] too many people crowding themselves into the medical bay, she would have much preferred for people to request permission to enter. But at the same time, they were hardly busy, and she was having a conversation with her sister. Her annoyance lacked basis for the most part. [color=4dffa6]"Go on, mei-mei,"[/color] Dorothy encouraged. [color=4dffa6]"Get a handle for this old girl. As kuh wu as the Alliance is, the tech's usually beautiful."[/color] She would know, after all. It was the Alliance that trained her to be an army doctor, it was the Alliance that gave her the skills she used now to help the Browncoats. Glancing back at Harper, Dorothy figured that as Anisa's new second, she might as well introduce herself. [color=4dffa6]"Dorothy Pender, pleased to meet you. Anything happens to Daphne, and we're gonna have a problem."[/color]