[center][img]http://img15.deviantart.net/1aa4/i/2011/327/a/0/dragon_desert_by_tiffa-d4h20ac.jpg[/img] [i]You are a professional sorceress hired by the Lord of the land to flush out a dragon that has been settled in a valley several years now. The problem isn't that it's causing trouble-- it's that the beast is gaining a following. The local villagers have started referring to it as their Lord. The real Lord won't stand for this. No arrow or blade has worked yet, so the Lord has turned to Magic...[/i] I'm looking for a female character to take up this role, regardless of what the writer behind her is. The dragon is intelligent and capable of speech. It has only one form, though I may consider changing this if necessary. It isn't massive, maybe twice the size of a horse. This plot ends with the situation being resolved in some manner. Will the Sorceress complete the job as commanded, or will it work out some other way...? This is not a Fight Rp, but may contain fight scenes. Morals will be challenged! (Optional) Romance and Mature scenes may be an option if it makes sense in the natural flow the the Rp, and if you approve. This must be requested, or it will be excluded by default.[/center] Photo Credit: http://tiffa.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Desert-270511860