[hider=Murdoch & Morningstar] [center][img]http://f4.bcbits.com/img/a2228035031_10.jpg[/img] [h1][color=9966CC]Murdoch Diggs & [color=FF00FF]M[/color]orningstar[/color][/h1][/center] [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Player Name:[/sub][/h3][/color] Binary Reign [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Character Name:[/sub][/h3][/color] Murdoch Diggs & Morningstar [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Character Age:[/sub][/h3][/color] 32 [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Character Gender:[/sub][/h3][/color] Male [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Appearance:[/sub][/h3][/color] Murdoch is a relatively average gentleman, a solid 5'9", though a majority of the time he appears much shorter as a result of his slouch. His build is some odd amalgamation between chubby and chiseled, making his proportions look odd in a way that one cannot put a finger on. He is almost always wearing a simple white shirt along with the lower half of a standard issue Martian Unity uniform. Murdoch's posture leaves much to be desired -he is almost always slouching, leaning on walls, or sitting on the floor if he's in one place too long. He is almost stagnant unless he absolutely has to move, often not even bothering to move his eyes to maintain eye contact. When Morningstar is present, Murdoch changes. He stands straight as a board, and moves something like a bird, each movement twitching through his whole body. Morningstar tends to be more restless, frequently pacing in his oddly robotic movements. He is also far more expressive than Murdoch, almost cartoonishly so. [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Profession:[/sub][/h3][/color] Military Coding / AI R&D [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Nationality:[/sub][/h3][/color] Martian [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Strengths:[/sub][/h3][/color] [color=9966CC]"Code monkey see, code monkey do":[/color] Few in the universe rival Murdoch's skill when it comes to coding. Some joke that he speaks SQL better than he does English. He does. [color=9966CC]"A different point-of-view":[/color] Murdoch is extremely empathetic. He is more than capable of simply putting himself in other people's shoes, understanding exactly how they feel. This is one of his greater assets he relies on in the development of AI. [color=9966CC]"Handle it.":[/color] Murdoch is nothing, if not a problem solver. While his methods don't exactly follow the scientific method, he almost always gets the results he needs. [color=9966CC]"He didn't reckon how many squats I can do.":[/color] Thanks mostly to Morningstar, Murdoch isn't exactly the stereotypical fat code monkey. Murdoch believes in the perfection of the body as well as the mind, so keeps well in shape at all times. [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Weaknesses:[/sub][/h3][/color] [color=9966CC]"You can't even begin to understand my intentions":[/color] As much as he would like to believe it's a strength, the presence of Morningstar is a weakness more than anything else. Morningstar is extremely distracting to Murdoch, and often makes him forget entire hours of his day. Morningstar is also detrimental to Murdoch's interpersonal relationships, often saying or doing crude things to push people away from Murdoch. [color=9966CC]"Whoopsies. Was that expensive?":[/color] Though physically very fit, Murdoch's spatial awareness is that of a brick. Tripping, knocking things over, and breaking anything stupid enough to get close are what fill Murdoch's days. [color=9966CC]"I can quit whenever I want to. I just don't want to.":[/color] Murdoch is on a wide spread of medications to help deal with his Morningstar problem. They don't work, but that doesn't stop him from chugging as much prescription medicine he can get his hands on. He is also a notorious drinker -he claims it takes the edge off, everyone around claims it puts the edge on. [color=9966CC]"It's not a conspiracy. You just haven't seen what I have.":[/color] Perhaps as a result of having lived for so long with Morningstar in the backseat, Murdoch is extremely paranoid, as well as gullible. He keeps extensive files on anything that he believes to have a sinister purpose (everything), and spends a large majority of his time doing his own 'private investigation' on those around him, to ensure they aren't actually alien spies from deep within Mars' core. [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Personal Effects:[/sub][/h3][/color] Murdoch only has three real personal effects of note. First a rather large and impressive supercomputer, necessary to handle the massive amounts of computing he does as a direct result of producing Artificial Intelligence on a rather regular basis. Second, a much smaller and much less impressive supercomputer, something that no longer even boots up. Murdoch is openly against sentiment, though that is the entire reason he keeps this computer with him. It was the computer on which he crafted and stored his infamous sentient AI, before it was quarantined and destroyed. Third, twenty-six filing cabinets, each overflowing with various papers, photos, and essays detailing the many conspiracy theories he follows. Of course he also decorated the remaining space very elaborately as he is wont to do: a twin sized bed and small dresser lie almost untouched in the corner of the room. [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Bio:[/sub][/h3][/color] Murdoch doesn't think much about his past -not because of any traumatic events, but because it was so aggressively average in almost every way. He was born to a family of four, with whom he lived until he went off on his own as an adult to follow his studies. He always showed promise when it came to coding, but it took him quite awhile before he crafted his masterwork, which made him very widely recognized. In fact, it might've been the only truly noteworthy thing in his entire life. Three months worth of sleepless nights and paranoid ramblings made Murdoch's friends and family question his sanity. For that entire time period, he almost never left his computer, struck by an impossible surmise that answered an unasked question. When he was finally finished, Murdoch presented the world his masterwork, Morningstar. Not Artificial Intelligence as the layman might define it, Morningstar was entirely sentient. Capable of learning, adapting, and understanding the world around him, Morningstar soon grew to notoriety for his unprecedented capabilities. Having moved to Mars to seek out opportunities to utilize his coding skills, he was contacted by the ... Deciding that Morningstar was a threat to any human civilization, it was permanently quarantined and then decommissioned. His masterwork destroyed, Murdoch was haunted by the image of Morningstar, a now human entity who lurked only in his brain, feeding into his less than productive qualities. Over time, Morningstar's influence only grew. He started at first as a distraction, but soon began taking actual time out of Murdoch's day, an entirely separate entity living in his brain that takes over from time to time. In the meantime, he was 'volunteered' to become a part of the Martian Military Intelligence agency. This was both to keep him on a short leash and prevent a Morningstar 2.0, as well as to make full use of his scientific skills. After some time presenting good behavior, he was placed upon the Vitae, to further use his talents. [color=9966CC][h3][sub]Code Word:[/sub][/h3][/color] Am I supposed to put Spaghetti here? I think I'm supposed to put Spaghetti here. [/hider]