Imagine, if you will, that the world was full of superheroes. Sounds cool, right? Well, only if there are villains to match. And where there are supers, there will be regular people admiring them. And, people being the oddballs they are, there will be those who have a keener interest in the bad guys than the good guys. One ex-supervillain realized this and founded Supervillain Weekly, a magazine dedicated to to juciest news about the world's most epic bad guys. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to be an employee or intern in this magazine - not one of the people they write about! You can be a reporter, a photographer, editor, or even security, IT, or a janitor! The whole point is to explore, as deeply as possible, what normal people would think and say about these bad guys, by getting as close to the action as possible while being ordinary Janes and Joes, just working to meet their deadlines. So... Interested?