[Hider=Capitan's log: Day 4] Lance here. Another day, another... something. Anyways, today I decided not to go to the dojo, and instead partake in some of the activities around the Monastery. The first room I went to had a large circle made of call in it, with candles on the edges, as well as pots filled with strange colored sticks. There were some around the room that looked burnt, but these didn't look like candles. Taking a green one out, I put the tip of it into a candle flame. The stick began to emit a strange odor, but it smelled, kind of like tea. It felt relaxing. That's when it hit me: this was one of those meditation chambers I read about on the way here. Supossedly, these would help clear your mind and put you into a sort of ttance. So I decided, why not give it a shot? Grabbing my newfound green stick, I set it in a small container in the center of the circle. I then sat down, mirroring the position of a stray monk in the room, and closed my eyes. I felt myself exploring my own mind, thinking back to times I didn't even remember. After a while, I decided it was time to get up. Looking out the window, I saw that is was already getting dark. I still find it a little hard to believe I spent the whole day here, but I digress. After having a quick meal in the dining room and messing with the monks' positioning, I decided to retire to the bed. Despite meditating all day, I still feel tired. Oh well, what can you do? Until next time, [Center]-Lance D'Phiarlin [/center] [/hider]