[quote=@Prisk] How deep do you want to go with this, though? Because I was thinking about this before, and it relates back to the source of magic, its purpose, and conspiracy. If there is any religious lobby involved in any shady dealings concerning this appearance of magic, then it would be Zionism. They would probably sway opinion in their favor by claiming magic to be God's gift to the 'chosen people', and thereby proclaim any non-jewish Emergent antisemitic and an enemy of the state. Zionists are already hated by a plethora of different secular Jewish groups, religions, and other groups of people for their violence and racism. However, this will come close to that "well-oiled supernatural shadow government" that you wanted to avoid, even if it's not entirely the same thing. [/quote] I think this would be an interesting group to deal with. They'd be a third force that's neither on the NPC side nor on the majority of the Emergent side, while at the same time not being neutral. We could have them go against either side due to their own agenda whenever we need the plot to take a certain direction or need to introduce a threat to the characters. They wouldn't need to be a shadow organization either, if anything we could just probably draw parallels to them from real world hate groups. Organized and potentially dangerous to everyone, but no where near perfect when executing movements or plans, and they'd probably rely a lot on impressionable but unpredictable young people to carry out goals.