Drowning into his deep pessimistic thoughts, he jumped up when he suddenly felt someone poking him. When the pretty looking woman that was across him asked if he had trouble from seasickness, he shook his head."N-no, Miss, it's n-not seasickness. O-or maybe it is and I-I don't know? O-or maybe I-I'm sick of my own? O-or maybe-" He shook his head, trying to get himself out of the worst-case-scenario-cycle. "I-I'm sorry. It's-s just that I'm a-a bit... you know, with a-all those p-people around..." He definitely had trouble with the 'people' part. He looked at his lap. "I-I mean, you a-are all such t-talented D-Duelists. I-I feel like I d-don't even belong h-here." A small undertone of despair could be heard in his voice, and some small tears started forming. He could feel a familiar feeling coming up, one that he usually had during difficult duels. It was a feeling of confidence, but it was somehow trying to suppress itself. Was the voice willingly trying to not help him? Why would it do that? Why would leave him in the time he needed them the most? But then he realised: So far most of his victories were thanks to his opponent underestimating him. If it wasn't for his sudden confidence boost, which usually overwhelmed the opponent by surprise, he would've not gotten so far. If the voice helped him now, the voice knew they would give that advantage away. Even though it wanted to help him, it was holding itself back to make sure coming to this tournament wasn't in vain. It didn't change the fact he felt horrible though. [@Ryougu]