[color=8493ca][center][h3]Rachel Holt[/h3][/center][/color] Hmm...meh, maybe this could be fun? She wasn't too keen on the whole working thing still, but eh. She had nothing better to do, really, aside from tinker with computer parts and maybe some programming. Well, and do her usual various shenanigans online in her usual haunts. So maybe she could get into this with a bit. Though, the fact they so dismissed her question made her a bit irritated. They didn't exactly give a person a lot of room to agree to this or even know what they were getting into. Eh~ Arguing or talking about it would be tiring, so it'd be easier to go along with it for now. Maybe she could get...Impmon? To make her a delicious sandwich or something. She was feeling a bit hungry. [color=a187be]"Hey, human,"[/color] Impmon poked her side. [color=a187be]"Quit starin' off into space and say somethin' already."[/color] [color=8493ca]"Hmm...not enough land. Wouldn't make for a good pillow."[/color] Rachel said with a small smile towards the gathered people. What she could be talking about was anyones guess, but Impmon seemed to at least assume it was something from the look on the digimon's face. [color=a187be]"...out of all the things ya could say, you say that?" [/color] [color=8493ca]"Mhm~"[/color] Rachel replied with a hum, stretching as she did so. She should probably stand up, shouldn't she? More importantly though, what should she do? Small talk wasn't exactly her forte. She'd just go along with whatever everyone else did, for now. Her sleepy seeming gaze turned to Yumeko and Vivian, watching them silently.