Hey, I'm Aiguo, and I've been rping for a little while now. I took a small break from it to focus writing some stories, but now I want to bring some story plots I wasn't able to write or plan into this site so that someone might want to help me with them. I guess I should introduce myself I little more?? Well, I like anime, and you can probably tell from my profile picture that I like Vocaloid, too. Video games are one of the things I cherish dearly. I've played many games, but I would never even begin to consider myself a pro. Music is held highly in my mind, and I try to listen to music whenever I can. I sometimes listen to JubyPhonic or just some simple soundtracks (Undertale has a fantastic OST), as well as Fallout Boy and Panic! at the Disco. I'm always open to new video games or anime or whatever, so if you ever feel the need to mention one with me, go ahead. I guess I should share one more thing? As I mentioned earlier, I write stories, and I [i]love[/i] writing. Just imagining the characters and plots that could come out of one tiny story blows my mind. I'm inspired by many authors (online and off). The problem is that writing by myself causes me to have major writer's block; once I write at least a chapter or paragraph of something, I immediately lose the inspiration I previously had about the story. Unfortunately this makes me extremely stressed out since I can't finish the story I want to finish. That's probably the main reason I want to get back into role playing: so I can relieve myself of my stress and just have a good time making up characters and writing plots with someone else. The idea of role playing with someone else fills me with excitement, and I just can't wait to start making worlds and characters with someone who thoroughly enjoys writing as much as I do. I guess that's it for now! I hope that this wasn't too long or too hard to understand. For whoever is reading this, I bid you farewell for now, and I hope we can rp in the near future!