[@Kreutzer] Well would be summoning creatures (would do objects as well but for balance of this specific roleplay stick to a type of summoning) like various both normal creatures and fantasy creatures like goblins and so on. (Which could do a little thing in conjuction with Turbo for something funny). Which depending on his abilities (which would have to refine exactly what, probably mental ability and physical ability both) he would be able to control up to blank amount of creatures, and if he tries to go beyond he could lose control of all the creatures and they just start going wild, or some just disappear. [@kidjab] It's alright, there would be ways to get past the lack of kinetic energy like having a device apart of her suit that constantly generates kinetic energy since she can take it some from her surroundings if I remember what I read. as for when we are starting, that is uncertain atm. It could be a little while since we did have a lot of people applying for the roleplay and I want to give everyone a chance to actually apply with character(s). Because if they don't get in before the start they would have to wait for the second school year, and at that point we would have split classes.