[@olcharlieboi] for the start thing, maybe just think of a way to filter characters in. Exchange students? Students changing classes? just have new characters have a good reason for joining late? It could just be a running gag that our class gets a stupid amount of new students mid year, they could have to take a placement test on their own if they come late. [@kidjab] also including olcharlieboi, this is the problem with basing your quirk around something that actually heavily acts on real world Physics. Due to conservation of energy the idea that the suit can provide specifically *kinetic* energy would require some kind of engine or motor she draws from, which requires a power source, which could get rather complicated. Kinetic Energy is a hard one because if the power worked on heat it'd be much easier to define, as body heat could be used as a steady low power source etc. But kinetic energy is the very act of movement, making discerning what can be a source difficult, and making it even more difficult for anyone affected by the energy drain to describe the sudden loss of momentum.