[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/71AmhxI.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1] [color=fff200]THE TEST[/color] [/h1][/center] [color=8dc73f]In our post apocalyptic world the planet's resources are severely diminished. The Earth's population must be thinned out. The United Nations ordered the highest officials to depopulate. After the initial thinning of the population prisons are gone, the elderly are terminated at a certain age regardless of health. Every country is ordered to depopulate by 5% annually. The decision to do this was made law. It is enforced with strict military precision.[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/8iwLfDu.jpg[/img][/center] [color=39b54a]The schools are not the schools of today. These schools are surrounded by prison fencing with barbed wire and a guard tower in the center of the yard. On test day all children enter the school and then it is put on "lock down". There are metal rolling security walls that descend to cover every inch of the buildings until after the test and it's consequences. Every year for the last ten years the military has come in and administered a standardized test to everyone in school. Grades 1-12 are tested and each year they are thinned out. If you fail you are immediately taken away and will be "put down" so as to only have the best and brightest for the future population. The adults have no choice but to surrender their children to the test. Any parent, student or teacher will be beaten or killed outright if they interfere with the test results or try to help the students to get away.[/color] [color=00a651]What about corruption? Since it's all done by computer how do you know if you passed or failed? What about the jocks that the football team needs? What about the high society kids? Do they actually pass or is there a way that they are getting a free pass? What about that smart kid that tortures your kid all the time? How did they fail with the IQ of a genius? Is there favoritism and targeting involved?[/color] [color=00a99d]It is test day once again. Will you pass? or fail? What happens to those that are "put down"? What of your siblings, friends, your boyfriend, girlfriend or just your best friend? Are they really killed or is there something else afterwards?[/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vaeUaBw.jpg[/img][/center] *****[color=fff200]You should be aware that characters WILL die and you should have a back up character to jump in as soon as it happens so you won't be left out. This will also keep the story moving forward.[/color]***** [hider=The Thinning][url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rXrY7TsJnCs&t=69s[/url] In case you want to see where my inspiration came from.[/hider] [hider=POSTING REQUIREMENTS] [color=00aeef]I'm pretty easy to get along with on the posting requirements. At least two paragraphs per post. No double posting [i]unless [/i]it's for two different characters. Description is good but don't go overboard on every tiny detail. It can get boring if you do.[/color] [/hider] [hider=C.S.] [color=0072bc]Picture: Name: Age: Grade: Personality: History: Biggest Fear:[/color] [/hider] [hider=Rules] [color=00aeef]Rules[/color] [color=00aeef]1. [/color]My word is law. So goes for my Co-GM's. [color=00aeef]2.[/color] Normal guild rules apply. [color=00aeef]3. [/color]Romance is fine but porn is not. It's PG-13, everything is ok until the clothes come off then fade to black. [color=00aeef]4.[/color] No godmodding. Everyone can die. [color=00aeef]5.[/color] More rules will appear if needed. [color=00aeef]6.[/color] Mention people in posts! [color=fff200]7. If you are gone for longer than a week without any word from you, your character may be killed off.[/color] [color=00aeef]8.[/color] Swearing is allowed in the IC but keep it civil in the OOC. If you have a problem that needs to be addressed please bring it to PM or directly to the gm or co-gm do not fight or make a scene in the OOC. You WILL be kicked out if you do. [color=00aeef]9. [/color] Everything should be written in 3rd person and past tense for consistency.[/hider]