I still wanna make this look nice and add a personality section but here's all the important stuff: [hider=WIP][center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/4DOALgY.jpg[/IMG] [i]"Yeah, sixth grade was kind of an awkward year for me..."[/i][/center] Name: Makoto "Oni" Yamazaki Age: 17 Gender: Female Hero Outfit: Makoto's only request was that they make her "something that fits". What she got was a skintight black leotard, a tiger-stripe bandito mask and ankle-length skirt equaling approximately one whole tiger, and a roll of bandages to wrap around her hands and feet. She was not amused. The suit is designed to breath though, and features an active cooling system that uses a series of miniaturized fans, liquid nitrogen refrigeration units, and fabric made from woven carbon nanofibres to beat the heat and reflect thermal radiation away from the body (basically, it does the opposite of a thermos). So I guess she really doesn't have much to complain about. Quirk: Red Devil A Mutation-type Quirk that grants super strength, speed, durability, and a few other minor unrelated abilities. Unlike many strength-enhancing Quirks, Makoto's strength is almost entirely physical, derived from the changes to her body and muscles made by her Quirk. With a height of around 3m and a well-developed, overtly obvious musculature, she weighs around 461kg. Her bones are much thicker but also more densely packed, resulting in a noticeable but negligible increase in the robustness of her frame compared to normal human proportions, and her muscles have to work harder to support her mass, including her heart which is larger and pumps blood much harder (this might be part of the reason she has red skin). She has, on average, six times the muscle mass of a normal human just by virtue of sheer size, and those muscles are twice as densely packed as a normal human's. Fine motor control has also been partially inhibited, just like a chimpanzee, giving the illusion of an extra 200% increase in strength, resulting in a cumulative average of 24-30x normal human strength. By comparison, this makes Makoto's average punch as hard-hitting as a high-powered rifle round, or a small car moving at 30 mph. She can jump nearly 6m into the air, and can run in excess of 56 mph. Her deadlift record is nearly twelve tons. In addition to being bigger (way bigger) and stronger, the scaling up of her body has had some... weird side effects in other areas. For one, larger eyes mean better night vision, and by the same logic, a more acute sense of smell and hearing. Due to the strain put on her body by her enormous strength, she's also become duller to pain than ordinary people are (punching through brick walls HURTS). A punch with normal strength is like a forehead flick to her; barely enough to wake her up from her nap. Finally, perhaps the oddest and, to her, most embarrassing, side effect is that her increased size means her body has become much, much worse at regulating its internal temperature, making her more prone to heat stroke, heavy sweating (requiring the use of a specially developed "full-body deodorant"), and even panting like a dog to disperse waste heat on hot days or during strenuous exercise. This is also expected to be the real cause of the flushed, ruddy red skin tone that gives her her nickname. Backstory: For most of her entire life, Makoto has been one of those unfortunate people whose Quirk has caused them no end of trouble. It started when she was 4, like it does for most kids. Suddenly, almost overnight, it seemed like she'd started to grow. And grow, and grow, with alarmingly abnormal speed. Her skin turned red and little nubs began to grow out of her forehead, nubs which would later become horns. Her parents rushed her to the hospital, where they confirmed two things. That Makoto was indeed growing up and developing physically at an accelerated rate, and that this was definitely, absolutely related to her Quirk. She was already taller than most of her teachers by the time she graduated from elementary school, and the problem only got worse during puberty when she started hitting her growth spurt. Now she stands nearly 3m tall, almost twice the height of other girls her age. Needless to say this has been a source of frequent discomfort and embarrassment for her. Bumping into street signs, crouching to get through doorways, breaking furniture, buying expensive, custom-made clothes and underwear just so she'll have something that fits, not being able to ride the bus or drive a car, always being stared at and asked to lift heavy objects or grab things that are out of reach, these are all normal things for Makoto, and have been for years. School was by far the worst though. Boys her age would make fun of her and girls her age would call her a freak, so even in a world where 80% of the population has some sort of strange abnormality, her chances of finding a boyfriend or having a normal social life were shot pretty much from the word "go". Bullying became the norm, and even though all she wanted was to make a few friends, the constant abuse made Makoto withdraw emotionally and develop an irritated, irascible attitude. Striking preemptively at people she thought might make fun of her, she used her Quirk to turn herself into a figure to be feared. Why bother trying to make friends when you already know everyone's just gonna make fun of you? Better to make them afraid of you. That way they'll at least leave you alone. That was her reasoning, at least. By the time she moved on from junior high, she was a full-blown delinquent, having picked up both the nickname "Oni" (due to her distinctive appearance), and a reputation for leaving bruises and broken bones in her wake. She hated both, but honestly couldn't look back and say she'd have done it any differently. However the future was another matter. UA was her last chance to not be a dropout or a failure in the eyes of society, so she reasoned, and so she decided to apply to the Hero Course. Maybe, a long-buried part of her hoped, she'd be accepted by her classmates in an environment more forgiving of unique Quirks. Maybe being a hero could give her a place to belong where she wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb. Supporting Characters: Not many besides her parents. Other: Her deepest, darkest desire is to ride a giant llama (one that won't be crushed under her weight).[/hider]