[CENTER][h1][color=slategray][b]Telltale86[/b][/color][/h1][hr][h3][sup][sup][color=silver]H E N R I C T E L L E R JR. [color=slategray]◼[/color] 1 7 / 5 / 1 9 9 0 ( 2 7 ) [color=slategray]◼[/color] M A L E [color=slategray]◼[/color] A U G M E N T E D [/color][/sup][/sup][/h3][img]http://nltimes.nl/sites/nl-times.nl/files/styles/main/public/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Hacker_-_Hacking_-_Symbol_0.jpg[/img] [sup][color=silver]"No-one is untouchable. The world needs to see that."[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A P P E A R A N C E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"I can take them all down with a memory stick."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][INDENT][INDENT][CENTER][IMG]http://www.billboard.com/files/styles/article_main_image/public/media/DJ-Ansolo-thief-vid-2017-billboard-1548.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/INDENT][/INDENT][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//STATS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]5'11" (178 cm)[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ WEIGHT |[/COLOR][/B] [i]174 lbs (79 kg)[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ BUILD |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Average[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ HAIR COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Dirty blonde (natural)[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ EYE COLOR |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Marble grey[/i] [B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ OTHER |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Has a solid gold stud in his left ear, as well as small surgical scars behind his ears, and in his neck. Larger surgical scars on his torso, as well as a Guy Fawkes mask tattoed on his back.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//DESCRIPTION:[/color][/b] [indent][i]Telltale in his everyday life looks rather ordinary. He usually wears a leather jacket with a plain black or grey cotton sweater beneath, and a pair of slacks made of a sturdy, cream-coloured fabric. He also tends to sneakers, of various brands and designs, and occasionally wears a hat or cap if the situation warrants it. His regular facial expression is somewhat deadpan, but he can often be seen smirking merrily for no particular reason at all. A discerning eye may see that he tends to wear concealer, but it's minimal. Depending on weather and task, he may wear the occasional suit, watch, or similar adornment, but he typically dresses in plain, versatile civilian clothing.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ B I O G R A P H Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Looking back, I feel... Well, nothing. I am what I am."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][indent][i]Henric Teller jr. was born into a struggling family in the working class, right in the middle of Washington. Teller's parents were loving and supportive, but perpetually tired from working long shifts at demanding jobs - daddy as a janitor and mommy as a motel receptionist. As such, Henric was responsible for a lot of his own early education - finding a keen interest in video games from an early age, and later, an interest in how those games worked. This coloured a lot of his early life as he hung out with a lot of kids like himself, who'd sometimes steal computers and similar machines in order to disassemble them or attempt to break into them. As a child, this was harmless fun, even if it landed him in trouble from time to time. Then, in his teens, his habits got him into trouble with police. Antagonized by disappointed adults and despairing as his mother grew ill, Henric turned to theft - especially identity theft - to vent his frustration over the healthcare system and the world in general, as well as provide himself the luxuries he saw more priviliged individuals possess. When his mother died from a bad drug, Henric lost faith in both governmental and corporate authority, and ran away from his father, who by then had grown exhausted and depressed. Henric fled to San Fransisco and got taken in by a group of young hacktivists - he was seventeen at this time. These precursors to the internet vigilante phenomenon primarily earned their living as white hats, upgrading security for various firms, and spent their nights taking down illicit sites and providing information vectors for whistleblowers. With these rebels' tutelage, Henric became a skilled hacker in his own right, often choosing to take the riskier, hands-on approach to helping whistleblowers and other informants. This is when he gained the handle Telltale86. When Henric was nineteen, he was arrested in an F.B.I. sting that targetted a whistleblower in the San Fransisco Police Department, for giving away the identities of undercover agents who had stepped over the line in their duties. He served four years in County for Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, and Aiding and Abetting. (He was physically caught in the act, so his identity as Telltale86 remained hidden.) In prison, he made friends with a gentleman fence, an old cat burglar by the name of Martin Frank White. The two were released within weeks of each other, and found an apartment together. They soon began stealing and scamming their way through several gangs and violent organizations, and providing cover and fencing services for nonviolent criminals. Now a full-fledged anarchist, Henric also became part of Uroboros after doing a daring hack of the local U.S. Marshals office, leaking the locations of violent criminals and covered-up evidence of corporate corruption. After building himself a sizeable fortune with mr. White, Henric was one of the first to jump at the chance of high-end black market augmentations. Implanting several chips and nerual enhancers to become a better hacker, as well as implanting ceramic armour in his ribcage, Henric has become even more daring in his neverending quest to fight for "the little guy, doing the right thing". Stealing from large, violent gangs, or exposing corruption, or leaking cutting-edge patents from big corporations - If it can be done by hacking, Henric has done it.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ M O T I V A T I O N / O B J E C T I V E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"They have it coming. Besides, it's fun to watch them squirm."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][indent][i][/i]Telltale is driven, first and foremost, by a desire to elevate the disadvantaged or weak into positions of power, and tear down the powerful and malevolent. While this typically translates to aggressive, destructive behaviour, he'd be happy to protect and assist the powerful and benign. In Crescent City, this will typically translate into saboutage of the criminal syndicates and identifying the enablers of crime.[/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][CENTER][sup][color=silver]"Firewall? Oh, that. Didn't notice you had one."[/color][/sup][/CENTER][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//ABILITIES:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Neural Interface |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Telltale can connect to most devices using the augments in his brain, esentially hacking with his mind. The risk is that getting booted out of a system or infected with countermalware will hurt him, or disable him for a time. He can, however, tap into surveillance remotely and use cameras and microphones in his vicinity to expand his sensory range, a great boon when it comes to stealth. On a less serious note, he can play video games without using his hands, which is indeed how he spends his lazy evenings, and functions as a walking wi-fi hotspot (when he enables it).[/i][/indent] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Skeletal Armour |[/Color][/B] [i]In addition to his neural augs, Telltale has replaced his ribcage with a lightweight ceramic armour to serve as protection against small arms fire. Weakest in the rear, as it is structured not to lock the spine. Serves only to stop low-caliber bullets.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//SKILLS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Hacking |[/COLOR][/B] [i]A world-class hacker, Telltale can bypass anything but the cutting edge of digital security with relative ease, and often from afar. Advanced digital security requires more time and sophisticated tools, but are not beyond the scope of his skills. He's also well-versed in kickboxing and jiu-jutsu, skills learnt from necessity in prison.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//LIMITATIONS:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Multitasking |[/COLOR][/B] [i]While Telltale can theoretically hack, watch security feeds, and move at the same time, a loss of focus will often leave his hacks compromised or his regular senses dulled. Therefore, in high-stress situations, Telltale is almost always dependant on outside support to help him focus and prioritize.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//WEAKNESSES:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Digital Noise |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Telltale can get distracted if there are too many signals in the same ranges in which he operates, sometimes forcing a shutdown due to the sheer traffic. He's also susceptible to jamming and even targeted DoS attacks, acts which can physically harm him, albeit not severely.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=SLATEGRAY][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]▼ N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][indent][b][color=CADETBLUE]//SUPPORTING CAST:[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]▼ ALLIES[/COLOR][/B] [indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]Martin Frank White [/I][/COLOR][/B] [CENTER][img]http://i.imgur.com/yRMKwDH.jpg?1[/img][/CENTER] [i]Often referred to as a "gentleman fence", this old rogue and ex-thief is Telltale's closest associate. They met in prison, and have exchanged services and knowledge many times. Mr. White is no stranger to electronic communications, and will often serve as guide and surveillance backup whenever Telltale goes out for a hands-on mission. He also has connections in the black markets around the country, serving as Telltales "in" to more traditional black markets. Telltale, in return, offers insight and connections in the online world.[/i][/indent] [B][COLOR=SILVER]▼ FRIENDS[/COLOR][/B] [indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]BinaryAura99 |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]A mysterious hacker in the Uroboros collective who'll sometimes help Telltale write software, but is usually just a chatting pal. Neither knows who the other really is, as both parties compartmentalize information.[/i][/indent] [B][COLOR=SILVER]▼ ENEMIES[/COLOR][/B] [indent][B][COLOR=WHITESMOKE]◼ [I]TBD |[/I][/COLOR][/B] [i]No overt emnities at time of writing.[/i][/indent][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//STOMPING GROUNDS[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Dapper Dog Motel |[/COLOR][/B] [i]A musty old room in a motel on the city's outskirts, Henric crashes here for its incognito nature and the internet café downstairs. He has rented two rooms, one under his own name, to serve as a buffer in case someone locates him. The arrangement is not permanent.[/i][/indent] [b][color=CADETBLUE]//PARAPHERNALIA[/color][/b] [indent][B][COLOR=SILVER]◼ Computing equipment |[/COLOR][/B] [i]Telltale posesses a number of computers, large and small, stationary and portable. He also has a set of traditional lockpicks, and a small .357 compact handgun for use in emergencies.[/i][/indent][/indent]