Would be nice to give this a shot. [b]Character you have created:[/b] Silas Morano [b]Speech Color (Actually say what you're using):[/b] [color=Silver]Silver[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Villain [b]Identity:[/b] Secret [b]Character Personality[/b]: Silas presents himself as a charming individual. Well dressed, charismatic, and a sharp wit have allowed him to get by throughout his adult life without too much hassle. His voice is welcoming, although his mannerisms make him stand out at social events, if his sense of dress doesn't already do so. He refrains from drinking alcohol, no matter what the occasion is. In reality and behind closed doors, Silas holds bitterness to those in a position of grand power, whether it be in politics or though business. No matter what industry, he could always tie their involvement back to something he finds abhorrent. He is manipulative, calculative, and twisted in his methods to eliminate those he believed did him wrong. Deep within his mind exists a cruel personality that's desperate to recklessly enact his revenge, one that barely cares for whom it involves and is more than happy to slaughter everyone in his path. Knowing the problems his 'Passenger' causes, Silas willingly takes medication to hold him back. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] [hider=Costume] [img]https://i.gyazo.com/bc2611c0286b393f6be4d5ec491ec5b9.png[/img] [/hider] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Silas unfortunately doesn't have a memory of his childhood home, his parents, or even any friends to think of. The earliest memory however, was being strapped into a table and continuously given a cocktail of chemicals, drugs, and electroshock in order to create something that would presumably benefit the world. The laboratory was in Switzerland, and the pharmaceutical company that hired the facility had envisioned a body that would be both a living bank of medical conditions and diseases, and a source for the solution the world had craved for decades. Silas was subjected to such experiments and was given several deadly disease that had the potential to wipe out a large percentage of the population should it be allowed to spread. From Silas, his body became a source for treatment and cures, and allowed research to progress faster than originally anticipated. Silas didn't see that side, the good that had come out of the never ending pain that was inflicted on him. Constant pain, emotional distraught, and with his memories continuously fading during his time, he never knew how long he was inside for or if there was an end to the misery. That ending came during an electrical storm and was the result of a crucial deadline coming up. The scientists and overseers increased the voltage and the dosage, but when a thunder struck the main power generator, the facility's only test subject was given a prolonged electrical shock that lasted for several seconds. The electrical explosion freed the subject, and when the scientists prepared to secure their guinea pig, Silas cast them aside before suddenly blinking himself to the otherside of the room, to the sheer astonishment of everyone, including Silas. The man glowed, and before he could comprehend what was going on, the 'Passenger' presented himself to Silas. Twisting his mind while opening his eyes to the reality of the situation, Silas subsequently began slaughtering every single person in the facility and smeared their blood on the wall. Room by room, he learned his potential, while directing his hatred to those who had caused him pain. With the Passenger encouraging him to dangerous levels, and with the psychotic man learning his tricks at a dangerous rate, Silas showed concern when the Passenger continuously pushed him to continue his rampage on a small town nearby. He was close to starting the rampage when a combination of the cold storm and nearby civilians caused him to not only pass out before he arrived, but was administered widely distributed anti-psychotics that suppressed the Passenger's control. He found himself to be much calmer and more relaxed, although the bitterness remained. He saw the news of his actions the next day, and found a name that had caused him so much pain. Stowing himself away and making his way to Lost Haven, and worked himself up the ladder. Starting as a humble worker, indistinguishable from the rest of the civilians, before landing himself in the financial sector, giving him perfect access to the most deplorable souls on the planet. [b]Hero Type (Select one):[/b] Mystic [b]Power Level (Select one below):[/b] World Level [b]Powers (Be Specific):[/b] [hider=Blink] [b]Blink[/b] While the most unremarkable ability he gained from the incident, it's also one of his most valuable. The ability allows him to teleport from one place to another, under the condition that it's within 100 yards of his current location. [/hider] [hider=Object Manipulation] [b]Object Manipulation[/b] One of the most basic tricks he learned during his initial rampage was his ability to move objects at will. While he can force objects out of hands with remarkable speed, he is limited in the size of the object. The weight limit is one tonne. [/hider] [hider=Glide] [b]Glide[/b] While he is unable to fly, he is able to calmly glide down from heights with control and comfort. [/hider] [hider=Phantom Daggers] [b]Phantom Daggers[/b] His method of killing. Upon his command, a swarm of daggers display themselves to their master, and are able to inflict serious damage to Silas' enemies without displaying external trauma, allowing Silas to confuse the authorities. Depending on his victim and his intentions, he will sometimes use these to cause a slow, painful death. [/hider] [hider=Time Distortion] [b]Time Distortion[/b] While not something clear to the outside world, Silas is able to isolate a space within the very second of time. This is mostly a utility ability, allowing him to conduct his murders in plain sight with no one able to suspect him, but to also allow him to have conversations without the obviousness of whispering. This ability, however, is the most demanding, and prolonged use of it will leave Silas noticeably exhausted. [/hider] [hider=Physical Resilience] [b]Physical Resilience[/b] Thanks to the Swiss scientists, the need to create a living bank of every medical mystery on earth required their host to be resistant to the insurmountable of pain and torture they would be subjected to. As such, even under the most extreme cases of pain, it is unlikely to kill him. Depending on the damage inflicted, however, it will cause Silas to pass out and leave him vulnerable to the two spots that are susceptible to instant death. His heart, and his brain. [/hider] [b]Attributes:[/b] [indent] Height: 5'11 Weight: 170lbs Strength Level: Normal Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: 20 Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 2 hours Agility: 2x Intelligence: Genius Fighting Skill: Trained [/indent] [b]Resources: Large due to his finances and job[/b] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Medication needs to be taken to keep him under relative control. Without it, he becomes more dangerous and reckless, but also more vulnerable as his awareness decreases. [b]Supporting Characters (Does your character have a significant other? A mother? Friend? Who are they, what do they have to do with your character?):[/b] [b]Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?:[/b] [img]https://m.popkey.co/c41ec7/dWEyA.gif[/img] Sample Post: [hider=Sample Post] Jessica Marley was barely inside the apartment for a brief second before she felt the hairs on her skin stand on end. The windows were as she left them, nothing had been moved, and the cleaner had done a good job of ensuring her home was kept tidy. Yet, there was a strange aura in the air that made what should be a comforting place more unnatural. The feel didn't feel right, yet she was unable to determine why. Upon entering the kitchen, she got her answer. [color=Silver]"Good evening Miss Marley,"[/color] said a strange man in while, leaning against the kitchen counter, anticipating the homeowner to walk through the archway. Marley shook only a little, but composed herself when she took a good look and the gentlemen. "Mr Morano," she replied. "Not exactly what I was expecting when I walk through my front door." [color=Silver]"Only one here, I can assure you,"[/color] he replied before walking towards the fridge. [color=Silver]"Would you like a drink? We have much to discuss".[/color] "Not...really..." Marley answered, confused as Morano started raiding through her fridge. "How did you get in here?" [color=Silver]"Through a door, isn't that the way you enter your home?"[/color] "But you don't have a key." [color=Silver]"Does it matter?"[/color] he asked, closing the fridge door and holding a can of lemonade in his hand. [color=Silver]"I am in here, talking to you. Doesn't matter how I got in."[/color] He opened the can and started drinking. "We...we can talk tomorrow back at your office--" [color=Silver]"No, let's talk here!"[/color] He placed the can on the counter. [color=Silver]"Besides, the office is too...formal."[/color] Marley took a brief moment to look at Mr Morano. "I'm calling the police." [color=Silver]"No need."[/color] Marley turned around towards the phone by the front door. [color=Silver]"I said no need."[/color] Before Marley could make it to the archway, Mr Morano make his appearance around the corner, causing Marley to freeze for a second. "But--" Mr Morano clicked his fingers and the room went blue. [color=Silver]"Let's make this quick."[/color] He pushes the woman back, landing on a chair. [color=Silver]"I've been going through some accounts and found you haven't exactly been telling me the truth."[/color] "What the hell--" [color=Silver]"I don't have time for your lies Miss Marley,"[/color] said the white man, his tone of voice getting increasingly darker. [color=Silver]"And I'm not someone who takes kindly to lies."[/color] [/hider]