[@kidjab] I dunno what superconductors have to do with kinetic energy, and i don't think you meant to use the word exponential but I think I understand what you're trying to say :P It's probably better you try not to explain any of it as much as possible, it's probably best people just believe whatever it is works... This begs the question though of how the quirk works... If it isn't draining the energy then why does it even need energy in the first place? For example if it used the power of the skates then surely your character would slow down and stop moving? And whatever machine is used to generate would stop functioning if its kinetic energy is being drained? But if this isn't the case then why does the quirk even need energy to be present at all? Sorry I'm asking so many questions, my degree has a large physics element to it (I'm a student) and the more you explain those parts the more you seem to be losing me :') Surely the quirk would work better as a simple energy drain/repurpose? kinetic energy restricts your character from taking things that are only moving fast or really hot, so a solution to all of this would be your character being able to absorb any type of energy or drain it, and create structures with it, with whatever limitations seem fitting. That way it's much easier for everyone to understand, and easy for you to use and think about too :)