[@Kreutzer] Ah ha I knew it someone smarter than me was going to point out my pseudo science lmfao. You're right it is a mish mash of some concept I do not fully understand however i like objects moving either really fast or objects that are really hot. She I aware that she is moving slower she simply thought that slowness was from her own individual body not the skates as well to clarify. But the generator will come into play later. All it needs to be is something that can move really fast that she wears connected to her skates I forget the actual process but how the rpms of a gear goes up as it progressively gets smaller same concept in my head. "I need more energy but can't move any faster than this without getting hurt" So you need to get something that can go faster with the same amount of work put in. Basic idea in my head can explain it away later that its something to complicated for her feeble mind to get cause comic logic or support department to STRONK