[@Alder] An insulted expression crossed the young woman's face, the idea of her not being good enough to be gawked at was unbelievable! Well, yeah, she didn't WANT anyone gawking at her; But that didn't mean she wasn't hot enough to not be gawked at. Who did this punk think he was, looking her way like that and then playing it like she was some desperate floozy? He was a douche, that's all she knew! [b]"Flatter myself?! The hell do you mean by that--"[/b] She was cut off as she was told to simply buzz off; With the addition of being a third rate duelist. She heard her teeth grind as she gritted them, biting the inside of her cheek. She was about to call him an asshole, but ended up more confused than anything as he looked back as if someone just called him, and raised an eyebrow as he glared back at her like she was the cause of some sort of mystery that was bothering him. Arms still crossed, her body shifted to one foot going in front of the other, shifting to the side somewhat as she leaned against the table, glaring down at him with an expression that displayed equal, if not even more, annoyance. This was only driven further as another girl threw herself into the mix, her words fueling the redhead's metaphorical flaming rage. [b]"Uh, no! I don't take crap like that from any guy!"[/b] She stated to the fellow female, obviously more eager than before to show that this guy was nothing but a barking dog. Like the one over in the distance! [b]"If I'm a third-rate duelist then surely you won't have any trouble facing me in the tournament! If you can win enough matches to even get a chance of us being matched against each-other, anyway!"[/b] She kept her voice high enough to express she wasn't bothered by his words and to instead return fire, before finally bringing up that look on his face. [b]"What's that look for though, huh? You waitin' on someone?"[/b] She questioned, one arm extending down to the table to rest her palm down, and the other going up to her chin as she thought about a remark. [b]"Doubt it's a girl. With that attitude!"[/b] [hr] [@Alternax] "Oh?" Itaki responded, listening to the boy as he mentioned he had at one point had a dog. It was always good to meet another individual who appreciated dogs; They were such loyal friends. Cute ones, too. He watched the interaction between Shugo and the well-built young man, blinking as things started getting out of hand. The man's eyes widened as he watched the two struggle, food all over the young man at this point. "Shugo!" Itaki called, but soon he stopped as he saw a hint of happiness despite the situation: The two were getting along great, once Itaki actually observed them. He was glad, as for a moment he was worried he'd get kicked off the ship at the rate things were going if the boy made a complaint. Fine with the boy holding Shugo, Itaki wasn't expecting his return question; But was eager to answer. "Me? Boats? I'm afraid I've only been on a few ships before this one!" He answered, explaining why soon afterwards: "I prefer the sky, myself. Helicopters are usually much faster than boats, but a ship like this..." He glanced about for a moment, seeming to still be in awe about it. "Well, it's simply beyond my expectations for a ship. A voyage that would take a normal boat a week takes but twelve or so hours in this ship!" Itaki nodded sagely, seeming pleased by this information. He'd have to look into purchasing one of these ships himself. Though, that was for later; The million dollar prize would be a good start towards buying a boat like this one! That was assuming he won, of course... [hr] [@Scarifar] The child got pat on the head, and in response they closed their eyes momentarily, not expecting it. After a moment their eyes opened back up, a few blinks following. This was certainly embarrassing; The child wasn't certain of why she had done that, but decided it was just some sort of elder to child thing, and smiled since it wasn't exactly bothersome in any way, just unexpected. As the question reached the kid's ears about their parents, they grabbed their hat and yanked it down, hiding their face somewhat. [b]"Mom? Dad?"[/b] The child repeated, before adding some head shaking as an answer. [b]"No, I-It's just me."[/b] They answered, realizing this might be alarming: Quickly, they worked to remove any possible distress their elder might have. [b]"Don't worry, I-- I got invited to the tournament! I'm a duelist too!"[/b] Despite what the child said, it was still odd for them to be alone. Why wasn't a guardian here, or a caretaker? A little kid shouldn't have been boarding this ship alone. As if to block off this problematic questioning, the child brought it up before it had a chance to be questioned. Almost seeming to have a defense already prepared. [b]"I'm being watched over by the tournament staff! Though they said rooming would be complicated; Because they couldn't leave a kid alone!"[/b] The child looked downwards, seeming a little upset. [b]"I'm not a kid; I can take care of myself, like I do at home while my parents are working... But they really want to put one of those big suited guards in my room with me..."[/b] The child seemed concerned about that fact, obviously not wanting to share a room with one of them. But there wasn't much choice in it from the kid's perspective, so it seemed hopeless. Most would understand why a young child wouldn't want to share a room with a big, muscle-covered man in a suit with shades and a constant straight expression. For a kid that stuff was kind of unnerving.