[hider=Asahi Goroshi] Name: Asahi Goroshi Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: [img]http://i.imgur.com/e5MdwHc.jpg[/img] Hero Outfit: [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/xBctv3D.jpg[/img][/center] The Guardian One, based off his father’s designs. This armor not only provides an incredible amount of protection but also increases his strength tenfold. However It requires a very expensive and rare power source. With it his armor can operate for twenty four hours. He has cheaper, easier batteries to access however they only last an hour at a time. Without the batteries his armor becomes sluggish and can’t access it’s full strength. It’s only because of Asahi’s Quirk that he can still make use of the suit even after the battery has died, though only for protection. He also has enough working knowledge of his father’s suit to maintain and even upgrade it however without the funds he has no means of actually purchasing most of the upgrades he could use. Currently it has strength enhancing powered exoskeletons, three inch thick steel armor plating, and two massive five inch thick steel tower shields. The shields themselves weight close to 200 pounds each which is nothing for the Guardian One to use when powered. The upper limit of the Guardian One's strength is approximately two tons, or 4000 pounds. The armor alone weighs four hundred pounds, eight hundred with the shields. Quirk: Vitality - Asahi will never tire, nor does he feel pain or encumbrance. While still mortal and perfectly able to die by conventional means his body doesn’t require rest, sustenance, or suffer illness. This also gives him a higher than average healing rate than most others, recovering from nonfatal injuries in a matter of days. However this regeneration isn’t anywhere near fast enough to be useful in the heat of battle, only the recovery afterwards. Backstory: Asahi’s father was quirkless. Though his childhood, his father was often ridiculed and mocked for his lack of powers. Despite his talent in other fields the fact that he lacked a quirk drove Asahi’s father to near madness. His father was a mechanic who’s sought technology to offset his lack of a quirk, designing many different types of machines to help him fight crime. It wasn’t long before he created his masterpiece: the Warrior One. This powered exoskeleton would allow even a quirkless strength and durability to match most heroes, and allow “Normal” people to stand toe-to-toe with those with quirks. However Asahi’s father fell into evil. His hate against those with quirks was so great he turned to villainy. When Asahi was just a child he was often forced to help his father with his projects, and when he learned of his quirk his father was abusive. Even his wife, Asahi’s mother, left her husband when his hatred grew too much for her. It wasn’t long until eventually his father snapped and used his Warrior One to ran rampant in the city, fighting heroes until he was eventually stopped. But refusing to accept defeat, his father killed himself in a last ditch attempt to defy those with quirks. Ever since then Asahi had continued his father’s legacy, however with a different purpose. Even after Asahi found out about his quirk many people looked down on him simply because it lacked any exciting or visual ability. To simply never tire, never eat, nor never fall ill would be something that most people would consider amazing, but in this world it meant nothing. But instead of holding hate in his heart, Asahi sought to use his father’s armor to for a better purpose: to be the hero that his father always wanted to be. Utilizing his tireless energy Asahi studied and learned how his father created the Warrior One. And by the time he was thirteen years old he learned how to recreate it. Many years passed. Asahi worked tirelessly to make his dream come true. His biggest obstacle wasn’t his power nor his strength, but a different aspect of society often overlooked by heroes; Money. Despite being a skilled scientist nearly all his father’s income went into his projects. Asahi's family lived in a poor neighborhood rife with crime. Asahi was always tempted by that dark side to earn easy money to fund his endeavours, but lived honestly. He found hardworking but good paying jobs making enough money to create his own armor: The Guardian One. Fitted with scrap metal Asahi foraged from junkyards and streets, he crafted this crude armor for himself. When he was done, he had much metal left over. But instead of crafting weapons like blades or clubs, he created two shields; a symbol of his true purpose. Not to destroy. Not to kill. But to protect. Supporting Characters: Asahi’s mother, Hitomi Goroshi. Despite leaving Asahi to his cruel father after his death the two reunited. Hitomi’s quirk allows her to create an astral projection in her sleep and often used this power to watch over Asahi while he was with his father. She supports Asahi to use his father’s knowledge for good, even though the memories still pains her. Rusted Warrior, a mysterious hero who Asahi had once met while going to school. His quirk allows him to control and manipulate machines and he was key to defeating Asahi’s father. He met Asahi to ask him about his father, and since then acted as a sort of parental figure for the boy. Asahi doesn’t know his real identity and doesn’t often see him, but like a mysterious stranger he often arrives at key points in Asahi’s past to guide him in the right direction. The original cause for Asahi to use his powers for good instead of evil. Other: Despite his appearance Asahi is actually quite tough and surprisingly agile. He recognizes that while his Quirk prevents him from feeling pain, he’s not invincible and needed to strengthen his body if he wanted to be able to use his armor without damaging his body in the process. While he doesn’t need to eat he still can just for taste alone which is also why he’s rather large. Can stuff himself endlessly with no ill effect, even if he eats rotten or tainted food. Asahi only has a rudimentary understanding of the technology he uses. In his own words, “It’s just like a jizsaw puzzle with missing pieces. I just put together what I know, and then fill in the gaps with something else. Eventually everything just falls into place.” Asahi is more crafty than he is intelligent, and has done poorly at education and exams, but seems to be able to improvise marvelous technology against all logic. Some say it may be a quirk. Understandably, Asahi’s heroic career is highly reliant on his power armor. His quirk would allow him to be a skilled and tough fighter, but lacks the raw strength to overpower most super powered foes. He hopes to use heroism to promote his power armor and receive more funding to improve their design and abilities. [/hider]