[center][h1][color=f26522]Alexander Furst[/color][/h1] [hr] It was another day; pushing his chin upwards with the palm of his hand, Alex let out a satisfied grunt as cracked his neck, sitting at his desk. He barely managed to stifle a yawn as he stared at the time. 5:33; would be soon until he continued his mundane, but daily routine each week. It was boring, but he had grown a little too accustomed to the repetitiveness as he scribbled furiously onto a piece of paper... and then went back to his notebook. ... aaaaaand done! With much time to spare as well! The work for this week was finished, now all he needed was to study and finish that fanfic! Cracking a smile, he extended his arms upward as his fingers let out a reverberating snap. Eyeing the list of clubs on a pinned up sheet on the wall, there were myriads of black and blue x's and lines dashed through most of the list. Pursing his lips into a frown, the boy launched himself out of bed before diving into his closet. There was a repetitiveness in clothes as there were only four sets - his casual duds, his gakuran's, running clothes, and of course his work uniform. Snatching some running gear, he proceeded to strip down his thick trousers, and swiftly put them on, whistling some nonsensical tune. Glancing at the time, it was 5:45, so he was ahead of schedule to say the least as he quietly exited his own personal room. The sounds of snoring pierced his ears. Ugh, he was lucky his bedroom was nearly soundproof, otherwise his mom would of kept him up all night. Glancing down the hallway at the slightly opened door, he went in the opposite direction, leisurely heading down the stairs as he glanced over at a few of the stacked up dishes. Twirling a house key, he wasted no time in bolting out the front door and into the soft breeze of the early morn. Breaking into a light jog, Alex slowly sped up as time went on. Passing by a couple of teens around his age, he overheard the girl mentioning to her friend about something from yesterday... [i]that[/i] event. It was a bit peculiar as his mouth morphed into a stiff line, slightly curving at the edges as he kept his focus forward. [color=f26522]"I know this place is ridiculous, but frickin' haunted bots?"[/color] He broke from the set point, swerving around the curb as he shook his head. There were a couple of things that he picked up on from other people when heading home after another unsuccessful club hunt. There's not a snowballs chance in hell that it was true... probably some sort of freak accident. [color=f26522][i]"If there was an Occultist Club or something, bet they would be all over that like bees to honey,"[/i][/color] he thought, panting a little as he kept up his routine, passing by a couple of other bystanders and salary-men. Eventually, the boy decided it was enough and pushed all of his strength into heading home, progressing into a maddened sprint as he rounded each corner before finding himself at the entrance of his home. Pushing in, he found the snoring had stopped and that a usual note was lying on the counter. Glancing to the fridge and other places, he shrugged before taking out some leftover fish and vegetables from the prior night and dumped them onto a plate. Gently sliding it into the microwave, he mashed the buttons to heat up the meal before darting upstairs. Once up and about, he pivoted into his room and procured a school uniform before steadily heading into the bathroom. It wasn't even five minutes before he already was out, half-dressed carrying a part of his uniform, as well as a red necktie and bandana. Setting them up on the bed, he stuffed a few miscellaneous items into a duffel bag - work clothes, some notebooks, the works. His head creaked as he let out a soft sigh - the only sound that invaded the air of this dull house. As Alex put on his white shirt, he stared in front of the mirror while fastening a red tie and armband. Putting a hand on his hip, he smirked before donning the final part of his uniform, keeping both colors hidden from plain sight. ... Chugging away at his breakfast, he watched a news reel about the ongoing events transpiring around the city, arranging from how some shop owners were handling employees to a dispute about the former day over the paranormal being a consistent issue in the precedent days. [color=f26522]"Guess even people like em' can be superstitious,"[/color] he mutely muttered through the chaos of fish and vegetables in his mouth. Completely annihilating the meal, he pushed a napkin to his lips as he clicked off the tv. Taking his time on the dishes, he cleansed the item before drying it off and setting it on a plastic rack, along with the other utensils. Shoving a hand into his pocket, he shifted his baton around as he gingerly hoisted his duffel bag onto his shoulders. Taking one last glance around the vicinity, he popped his baton with his thumb one last time before retrieving his hand from the pocket and departing. Once more, Alex was greeted by that same friendly breeze from earlier, except with less of a chill. Letting out a breath of air, he marched confidently toward the school, repeating three things on his mind - [color=f26522][i]"Archery, art, acting, archery, art, velvet..."[/i][/color] Just another mundane day.[/center]