WIP (honestly this was done at like three in the morning, so it'll probably need plenty of refining) [hider=My Character 'Blink'] [center] [b]Name:[/b] Dan Akita [b]Age:[/b]15 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2016/01/12/873657/ea8dc1da6b03b7185f03e1b4d01c4a75.jpg[/img] [b]Hero Outfit:[/b] [img]http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090128195300/fallout/images/6/6f/Crimson_Dragoon.png[/img] His outfit sports a few small rods that store a bit of the residual energy produced every time Dan teleports. The rods act as beacons to extend his range. Of course these batteries take quite a bit to charge, each one taking days to fill. [b]Quirk:[/b] [list][*] Blink- Dan can teleport short distances leaving a short blue trail. His ability drains more stamina the further he goes. His maximum distance is only about ten meters, something that he can only pull off about five times in a day at the most without rendering himself useless from exhaustion. Two or three meters is easy to pull off in comparison. He can also bring objects and people with him, though that is considerably more draining. [/list] [b]Backstory:[/b] Dan had a normal childhood until he turned four and his Quirk revealed itself. At first, nobody knew what was going on. Randomly throughout the day his clothes would be on the floor and he would be a few feet away confused. A few days later, one of the teachers saw him vanish leaving his clothes and a small blue trail of light through the wall. It took a few years, but eventually Dan managed to control his teleportation and even move from one place to another with his clothes on. His Quirk didn't stand out like others in classes, especially since he didn't flaunt it too often. In Junior high this changed a bit as a few other kids bullied him quite often. Apparently his Quirk was useless as he could only move a meter or two at the time, so all of the kids said he was almost as weak as a Quirkless. Unfortunately for the kids in question, that lit a fire in Dan. He practiced, managing increased distances, even managing to bring larger objects with him. At some point, he decided to apply to U.A. to separate himself from the classmates that teased him and surround himself with new faces. [b]Supporting Characters[/b] [list][*] Yin Akita- Dan's doting mother. Her Quirk allows her to disappear into her own shadow while still remaining mobile. [*] Ken Akita- Dan's father. His Quirk allows him to duplicate inanimate objects. [/list] [b]Other: to be added.[/b] [/center] [/hider]