Justin looked over as a woman walked into the room. She was speaking to him, but he didn't hear her. He was distracted by the way she looked. She looked, odd. At least, she did to him. "Are you, real?" Justin asked, walking up to her. "You look like someone had, [i]drawn[/i] you." He said, not trying to sound like a jackass, but knew he was. He pulled out a comic book and showed her, hoping that might clear up some of the confusion. "First I wake up on a ship, then I meet a walking comic girl." He said, then looked up as a man was talking about being detained. "What? Listen, I think we are all being de....wait, what the hell are "taxes"?" He asked, as another person walked in. "Dear lord, you lot just keep appearing, huh?" He asked, looking at the new being in the room. He was ready to speak to her when yet another person came walking in. "Is this a joke or something?" He asked. "Does anyone have any idea what's going on?" He asked, just as the screen came to life, showing only two words. "Low Power!" "Well, that can't be good." Justin said. "So, we are on a ship, lord only knows where, losing power. I would suggest, that we go find the power switch, get it started, then we can all be buddy buddy later. Deal?" He asked, already heading towards a door. "I think I passed by a maintenance closet or something on the way here. Maybe it'll have what we need, or a map at least." He stopped at the door, turning to look at everyone. "Names Justin. Sorry to skip that bit before." He said, before walking into the hall, as the computer screen added another word. "Low Power! Danger!"