[hr][h1][b][i][color=ed1c24][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161231/2696b0a65ff8e9e26839284a9c55c7fd.png[/img][img]http://i225.photobucket.com/albums/dd305/AAASPACEART/Scary%20Evil/scaryevil75.gif[/img][/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][b][i]Afternoon, February 14th, 2010[/i][/b][/center][hr] Sunday, such a Holy Day. The fourteenth of February? Such a day for lovers. No wonder you all chose this day for Tatiana and Jack to be wed but I am afraid things cannot always be peaceful. I must admit, I was offended that I was not invited to the wedding. Shame, shame. Not that has anything to do with what is happening right now, I am a fair deliverer of death as you know. The roll of the dice determines your fate and how they fall has nothing to do with hurt feelings. Mores-the-pity. Anyways, shall we begin? Yes let's. Let's see what the group is up to currently.... Where to begin? Oh yes... The little woman, aka Tatiana. Mrs. Newnan. Poor girl. Where is she? She stepped away from her new husband and well... She's just stepped behind the storage curtain. Apparently she needed to retrieve something. She is out of sight for right now. Let's move on and get back to her later. Thana, another poor girl. People crowding around and such. Interesting enough but after a long day it is probably the last thing she wants. Thana is looking over at Niesha and nods slightly. [color=0072bc]"Oh, the pack of clothing? Yes, Miss Sally made sure I received it a short time ago. Thank you."[/color] Cocking a brow she nodded once again, this time in agreement. [color=0072bc]"Yes, I couldn't agree more but here I am,"[/color] she told Niesha. Victors condolences cause a look to come to Thana and she shook her head with one slow shake. [color=0072bc]"No need, I have no want to speak of monsters while at a wedding,"[/color] she said rather bluntly. Seems Thana is not one to hold her tongue. Granted her words did not come off as cruel, more of as it was a statement of pure fact. With as much emotion as if she had just told someone two plus two equaled four. Thana seems pleased with the distraction, mentioning of food and such from the Captain. [color=0072bc]"I think I have had enough introductions for the evening. Shall we?"[/color] she states as she motions with one hand over towards the buffet and she can be heard by Ash alone a slight grunt as she spots James there. Seems she doesn't wish to speak to him. At least not right then. Taking a breath though she lifts her chin and lets Ash lead her over if he is so inclined. She is half tempted to feign a headache to get out of there but Thana isn't one to put up false fronts for any reason. She will stick it out for now. Now, outside of the wall, things are a bit different. Well very different from what is going on inside the walls of Newnan but not much different than they were when we last saw Ravi and Gavin. Gavin is still singing his heart out. Ravi's words only serving to cause his volume to grow but he has switched songs. Now he is butchering the National Anthem... Not the United States one, the United Kingdoms... Oh lord help him, he is belting this away as a walker is spotted trying to move through the snow. It's mostly frozen but that doesn't matter. It needs to be put down so new Bowie knife out and Gavin trudges through the snow towards it, still singing. The Walker is female and just as he drives the blade through the half frozen cranial cavity he bellows out [color=f26522]"GOD SAVE THE QUEEN!"[/color] Well, now that that show is over with. Who haven't we dealt with yet? Gavin is singing, Thana is wishing she had stayed in bed that morning, Tatiana is getting something. Oh yes, Mr. Ireland himself. Well he is just being him. Waltzing over to the buffet and grabbing a plate. He seems a bit too focused on getting food than actually messing with Chloe. Well, not entirely. You see, he hands her a plate and then grabs another for himself. [color=82ca9d]"So, gonna let me have a dance later?"[/color] he asks as he gives her a shit eatin' grin while piling on the sides and waiting for James to get some meat on his plate. Granted there are others there so he has to wait a bit. That isn't stopping Ryan, he is taking bites of his sides as he waits. That and watching Sana. Sana grumbles as she gets over to James. [color=f7976a]"Well as long as Ash hasn't left a note saying I have to eat standing here like dipshit,"[/color] she says pointing over to Ryan who looks at her mouth half open and full of food. [color=82ca9d]"Hey!"[/color] [color=f7976a]"Shut it Irish, just shut it,"[/color] Sana growls under her breath. Holding out her plate to James she lets him fill it up before grabbing some sides and storming off to a table. Walking passed Tatiana as she comes back carrying a small gift box in her hand and is heading back over to Jack. So that's everyone... Well not entirely. You see someone did something naughty and that is why I am here. Jim is on duty at the bar and while all this was happening, someone stole something. Theft is not something that goes over well in Newnan. Jim narrows his eyes at Bryn. "Ash gave me fucking orders. Don't like it take it up with him," he said before uttering the word bitch under his breath. Jim isn't part of the security team for nothing. He isn't the lead on the wall for nothing. Jim keeps things working and because he is Lead Wall, when Jack or Ash are indisposed he is the next in line for Security. People don't get that much trust and responsibility placed on them for being blind. Bryn might be in a gown with large sleeves but she isn't used to moving in a dress. She also doesn't have any skills for theft or slight of hand. Her stealing the glass does not go unnoticed. Jim unfastens his side arm as she walks away from the table. He can't leave his post so he flags down another member of the security team and lets them know what is up. The man looks a bit shocked but nods and toddles off and straight over to Ash. Leaning in he whispers into Ash's ear what just happened and points to the bar where Jim is standing with his hand resting on his side arm and then over to Bryn who has the glass hidden up her sleeve. Sure it is empty but she stole it none the less and that is a no-no in Newnan. Shit is about to get interesting. So yeah, I wasn't here for a death but it could be one. We will have to wait and see what the punishment it. Maybe I will see you lovelies again soon. Toodles!