I think one of the only legit "explain the appeal" questions I have is one I sort of have an answer for. But I'm going to voice it anyway for posting sake. How come so many people like Harry Potter.( [u][b]Heads up, kindred. Spoilers like fuck[/b][/u]) I mean. I love it all for my reasons but when you really look at the series they are filled with plot holes, especially when you think chronologically. Things are simply PLZ NERF TOO OP stop existing. The philosophers stone which apparently grants immortality-I may be mistaken. It's been AGEs since I watched one- but somehow dumbledore can't get his hand on it to save himself. That guy who took that juice to turn himself into old curse your to cuck, 1 one eye chuckle fuck who wasn't spotted on that map that tells anyone who they are. Keep in mind, peter was detected by the map as a rat. So, unless it was directly stated-or at least generally hinted at- there is no reason we assumed it wouldn't work. Or the time fuckery. A kid can get a hold of some time 69'er for class work but the dark lord can't get this shit to go back in time and just hit babby harry with a bat? This is over stepping also that Hermonie is pretty much a sue. She's a perfect wizard and student and all her issues seem to be derived from external sources like her lineage or her friends being douches. Ron pretty much has NO-well, ok maybe a bit- character development until the last movie. I did read the books way back and she may of fixed that in them but...that was like in my early teens. So give me some slack guys. I feel like. All these characters really needed some sort of internal crisis. Rons crisis of being a failure was always shadowed but never happend...The rivalry between harry and malphory seemed like it should of had a head but petered off in the movies in effectively a back break up in a bathroom, which was a bit anti-climatic for all their years. I don't know about others but my feelings don't work like that...even hate requires an investment. Hermonie was BEGGING for a opposite of RON crisis where she realizes she can't study for every problem. One again something was HINTED and implied to come with her divination class failure...but she got a bit haughty and it was never visited again. Harry Potter has a really fun world for individual episodes/movies but when you start combining all the shit it turns unstable really fast. In one sense...who gives a shit...I'll take chronological plot holes if they are sacrificed for a fun world...but once you see them it's like waking up and finding out half the memories you had with your buds are plagued with sudden flash outs.