[color=orchid][center][h1]Sophia Danvers[/h1] [h3]Mesalon Pokecentre -> Outside[/h3][/center][/color] [@fer1323] [@Heckno12] [color=orchid]"Come on, everyone."[/color] Leaning down to her team, Sophia cradled Lacey like a child before setting off. As soon as she strode from the building, she glanced all around her, checking for any sign of the detective. Despite Rheese's warning, she sensed for presences behind her, tensing and looking over her shoulder at passers-by. It was probably obvious to the other two what she was doing, and she hoped they wouldn't say anything - most likely, she'd get enough lectures from Lan at the gym, and she wasn't in the mood to put up with anyone else telling her what to do. She cringed as the building came into view in the distance. The last place she wanted to go to was the site of her humiliation, but this was the safest hiding place. An energy signal, drawing closer, snapped her from her thoughts. She whirled around to find herself face to face with someone she vaguely remembered from the Pokemon centre... someone dressed entirely in desert robes. She hadn't spoken to this person yesterday, but it was difficult to forget someone like that. [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Gothita "Lacey" lv12, Purrloin "Grimalkin" lv11, Staryu "Arcturus" lv10 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x3, TM33 (Reflect)[/hider] [hr] [color=chocolate][center][h1]Amber Pine[/h1] [h3]Mesalon Pokecentre[/h3][/center][/color] [@Heckno12] As Amber crouched down, the grey-green Pokemon scuttled a little closer, the projections on its sides undulating. [color=chocolate]"Hey, little one!"[/color] the researcher said, smile widening, eyes shining with adoration. She hadn't seen an Anorith this close up before. [color=chocolate]"You're ok coming along with me?"[/color] The Anorith gave a nod of her flat head - then drew back slightly as Kyra bounded forward, sniffing and letting out an excited bark. [color=chocolate]"It's alright! She just wants to play,"[/color] Amber reassured the fossil Pokemon. [color=chocolate]"She'll be one of your new teammates. I'll let out a calmer one, if you like."[/color] She pressed a button on a Pokeball, and her Kabuto appeared, slowly crawling towards the other ancient Pokemon and letting out a curious "Kabu?" The Anorith studied him for a few seconds before drawing closer. [color=chocolate]"This is Chalcedony,"[/color] Amber explained. [color=chocolate]"Chal, say hello to Larimar."[/color] As the little group of Rock types chatted in Pokespeak and played, Amber looked up at Rachel. [color=chocolate]"Oh, thank you! I'm sure they'll train well together."[/color] Once other things were done, of course. Her smile faltered, the email still in the back of her mind. Focusing on the current topics, she took on a more serious expression. [color=chocolate]"I'm guessing it's pretty important to get stronger, what with people like Hammer around? I mean, Ray put it in no uncertain terms yesterday."[/color] She paused, thinking back to the psychic's blunt warning. [color=chocolate]"And it's completely understandable to worry, even if you knew deep down he'd be ok. It's an older sibling thing."[/color] [hider=Notes] [b]Pokemon Party:[/b] Kabuto "Chalcedony" lv10, Yanma "Aeshna" lv9, Rockruff "Kyra" lv12, Rowlet "Tacita" lv10, Anorith "Larimar" lv11 [b]Pokemon in PC:[/b] [b]Inventory:[/b] Pokeball x2, Potion x3, Dusk Ball x2[/hider]