The rock above Prisma began to super head, bubbling from the top down. Drips of magma began to fall towards Prisma's head, but he wasn't completely unaware. He looked up and rose his right hand towards the giant patch of earth, gathering energy once again. At the same time, his left hand's lasers continued to follow after Bruce, until his hand was briefly held in place by the oncoming earth that Bruce summoned. He ceased the lasers for a moment, and clenched his fist, creating a shock wave that blasted the earth off of it, before opening his palm again, and aiming towards Bruce. Prisma turned his titanic body slightly, cracking the cement around his feet to the point of breaking, but not quite moving yet. He jerked in place, with both of his hands charging, and narrowed his eyes. [h2]"Arcano Ultima... [b]Duo[/b]"[/h2]