[color=92278f][h3]Bonesword / Fungal Knight[/h3][/color] What in the hell...? The skeletal swordsman stood over the limp and lifeless clown and simply observed him for a minute, the Shroomblade drawn and at his side as he watched. The clown was quite out of place for the drab and deserted atmosphere of the area around him. Nobody else was around, in both body and soul, except this carnival freak, Bonesword, and Big-Big. Thankfully the only one who seemed alive at the time was Bonesword. He prepped his sword to shove into the clown's chest and finally drove it in, hopefully killing the clown if he wasn't already dead. After pulling out his blade, the skeleton climbed off of the teacup ride and went over to one of the carnival stalls. Once there, the skeleton climbed over the counter and sat on a stool behind it, looking like an out-of-place worker in the carnival at this point. The idea of it made him snicker with a bit of childlike glee. [color=92278f][b]"Heh. 'Step right up folks, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!'[/b][/color] the skeleton chuckled away to an invisible crowd of people. [color=92278f][b]"'Toss a ring onto the bottle and win yourself a bear!' Why did people ever play these games? They're rigged from every angle."[/b][/color] The skeleton watched the rain trickle down onto the pier as he started screwing with the watch on his wrist, wondering what it did. The green glow was ominous enough (even if the glow matched his ensemble perfectly), and the skeleton was curious to figure out how it worked. His curiosity was only further peaked by the small black silhouettes on the watch face as he toyed with it, each shape representing a humanoid shape or the occasional... not-so-humanoid. It was weird, and the skeleton didn't like it.