[quote=@Blood Echoes] I had a peek at the Big Bad's info. Couldn't stop myself XD Looks cool! Well, not so much 'cool' as 'aggressively scary' but that's what you want in a baddie. Had a mild fanboy squee at the Giles appearance in the Watcher bio too. Though a sad one, because, well... he's not quite on top form there. But it's okay, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Uq2vaP2cLU]because this still exists.[/url] [@ruby] I have most of my CR ready to go, just have Dana's part to do. Should we post them in here, or edit them into our bios as addendums? [/quote] Rob Zombie for the win. I knew REALLY early on who to "cast" as this particular "type" of villain. I think everyone's going to enjoy this villain. Very cerebral. Honestly terrifying. This is the Big Bad of a Buffy if the show was Rated M on HBO. I feel a little bad for your characters. I wasn't going to include ANYONE from canon Buffy, but Giles just made too much sense, and given the "reality warp" premise of the game I just liked having someone make it through that more and more every time I considered it. And there was no question who it would be: it had to be Giles. It just had to be. Yes, he's in a sad state, but you never know. You may get a lucid, clear, Giles for a moment or two at some point. I'm fairly certain, though not 100%, there will be a scene between at least he and Emy at some point. Just have to wait and see where the games takes us, adjust the plot accordingly. Post them in the OOC. It's not like they'll get lost in all the chatter in the OOC thread. lol