[color=yellow]"I guess seriously enough it'd be odd to keep up a relationship like that with a digital being. Would that be like one of those Gal Games?"[/color] Yumeko asked no one in particular in response to the one boy's answer. He seemed to be the only boy now, actually, those other two that came with them left and didn't seem interested. They kind of just disappeared over the course of the action earlier. Their partners didn't seem too surprised and went back the way they came. Yumeko made notice of that too. [color=yellow]"Oh hey, those other two left. Guess it's just us three in it. Should we just do an introduction?"[/color] The girl asked and looked to her partner that looked back and nodded. [color=yellow]"I guess I'll start. Name's Yumeko Yukihara. High School student. I'm in your care."[/color] The girl's partner jumped off her shoulder and floated in mid-air. [color=yellow]"Ooohhhh, in spite of everything that's rather cool."[/color] [color=tan]"Of course, I'm the wonderful Tinkermon. Cutest Digimon this side of the Binary River. It's hard to compete with MarineAngemon after all."[/color] The little fairy seemed modest enough there. [color=yellow]"Oooohhh, someone's cocky with their looks."[/color] Yumeko said with the slightest disinterest in her voice. She grabbed the little pixie's mouth and pulled her close into a hug before looking to the other two humans and their partners, speaking with interest now. [color=yellow]"Would you all introduce yourself now? It's hard to talk to people you don't have a way of addressing."[/color]